My water broke prank on my fiance

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"What's up my lovely, beautiful, angel taekookies, how are you guys doing today" the pregnant boy beam with enthusiasm a bright happy grin was visible on his face.

"It's has been a while since I've done a prank on Jungkook" he said with a giggle.

"Anyway we're gonna do the my water broke prank on Jungkook today, and since I'm one month away from my due date I feel like this time around would be great to prank him" he smirked

"Pregnancy update I'm currently 36weeks if you were wondering" he told caressing his huge stomach

"So Jungkook is currently not home right now, he's hanging out with a few this will be perfect" He explained picking up Yeontan who wouldn't stop barking

"Guys look how big he's gotten" Tae said spoiling the dog with kissed

"Tomorrow he's gonna be 1 years old, I'm so excited" the boy cheered pecking the dog's nose

"So should we start with the prank"

"Yeah I think we should, right tannie" he put the dog down and set up the camera's

He then picked up the phone dialing Kook's number



"Koo.....I-I can't" he pants making it seems like he was hurt

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I t-think my water just broke"
The sound of yeontan barking was making jungkook anxious

"What! hold on I'm coming home right now"

He said and hang up the phone

Taehyung gave the  camera a thumbs up and waited for the male to come home, with a water balloon in his hand and a needle on the other getting ready to pop as soon as he here's the others car pulling up.

Not seconds later keys were dangling in the key hole. Taehyung quickly got in position and pop the balloon on his lower half wetting the legging he was wearing.

"Baby, princess where are you" Jungkook yelled from the living room

"I'm here"

"Omg" he stayed frozen in place

"Why are you just standing there help me" Tae yelled to which the other comply

"Get me some paper towels" Tae ask and he gave him the role of paper towels

"Are you hurt or anything"


"Jungkook would you stop smelling my butt"

"Maybe you peed on yourself" he said getting more paper towels

"I'll go get the baby bag" he said running upstairs but caught the camera in the living room

"Tae what's this" he said coming in the kitchen with the camera in his hand

"Oh shit"

"Baby I thought we agreed on not pranking each other till you give birth" the soon to be father whined

"I know, I couldn't help it I saw this video on YouTube and I wanted to try it" the other replied in the same tone pecking Jungkook's lips


"Did I get you though" Tae ask a playful smile adoring his lips

"On the first half you did, I was speeding coming here, You're lucky I didn't get pulled over" he said making Tae giggle

"Anyway thank you guys for watching today's  video I hope you liked it, make sure you like comment and subscribe"

"And don't forget to turn on your post notifications on so you don't miss out when we post more videos like this"

"I'll see you guys in the next one byeee"

They waved at the camera and stopped recording.

Hey guys I'm back 🙌
I honestly couldn't abandoned this book even if I tried to. So here I am again😃
This chapter was shit
I tried my best to make it decent but it didn't work ig.
I'm gonna be publishing a few more chaps before this book is officially over.😅


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