Surprising my fiancé for valentine's day

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"What's up my lovely Taekookies, how you guys doing today"

"I hope you're doing well"

"Happy Valentine's Day by the way" he smiled at the camera

"Anyway as you guys could tell by the tittle of this video I'm going to be surprising Jungkook with a gift he's always wanted for a long time now" he explained

"So yeah" he let out a giggle

"I'm currently driving to the place right now to go buy the gift" he told the camera while making  a turn to the destination

"I can't show you guys right now because I want it to be a surprise for both y'all and him, so I'll see you guys in a few hours" he said and stopped recording

Taehyung got out of his car holding his stomach in the process and walked inside the store

He talked to the guy and the other showed him all the different ones and some new ones that arrived

"I was wondering if I could get this one and get it customized" he ask

"Oh yes you can"

"Oh that's great than"

"So any designs you have in mind"

"Well I was thinking metallic purple since my fiancé really like that color" he told

"Ok then imma need you to come to my office to sign a few documents" the other guide Taehyung to his office and he begin signing the papers

"That'll be it, we'll call you once we're done with the covering"

"Oh ok thank you"

"Sure no problem"

Taehyung walk back to his car and picked up the camera and begin recording again

"Alright guys we've got the gift while they're wrapping it up for me I'm going to get some lunch and also go to the mall to shop for a little while I wait for it to be done" he said setting the camera down and pulling out the parking lot

3hrs later

Taehyung pull up to the same place again after he got a call telling him they were done

"Wow it looks amazing" he clapped eyes in awe as he stared at the gift before him

"I'm glad you like it sir" the other bow

"Can I ask you a favor?" He ask fidgeting with his painted acrylic nails

"Yes anything" he smiled

"I was wondering if you could drive it to my house so I could surprise my fiancé with it since I'm pregnant and can't drive it" he ask nervously

"Ok sure no problem" the man agreed

"Oh really thank you so much" Tae hugged the man as the other laugh and pat his back

Taehyung got in his car and drove to his house the other following behind him and a another car also following him just so he could pick up the guy to drop him off back at the store


They arrived infront of Taehyung's apartment and parked, Taehyung getting out the car to thank the other again

"Thanks again Mr. Lee" he bow

"No problem son, I hope your fiancé likes the gift" he said smiling handing Taehyung the keys

"He will, bye" Tae waved as the man got in the car and his friend drove away

Ok everyone now that everything is settled time to call Jungkook



Hey koo

Come downstairs in the parking lot for a sec, I have a surprise for you but make sure your eyes are close once you reach the entrance

Oh ok.....why?

Don't ask questions just come and do as I say

Taehyung ended the call after that and waited for his fiancé

Few seconds later he saw Jungkook standing at the entrance as close as he was feeling everything around him Tae giggled at how silly he looked

"Hey babe" he greets pecking Jungkook's lips


"You said you have a surprise for me what is it"

"Come on I'll show you" he took the others calloused hand into his soft ones and guided them towards the present all while the camera was facing them

"Alright open your eyes in..."




"Omg" Jungkook gasped at the gift infront of him

Infront of him was a purple metallic Kawasaki motorcycle, his eyes wide and hand covering his mouth

Infront of him was a purple metallic Kawasaki motorcycle, his eyes wide and hand covering his mouth

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"I-Is it customized" he whispered

"Yup just like you always talked about" Tae nodded

"God I fucking love you" he said and pulled Tae into a loving kiss

"Happy Valentine's Day" Tae smiled handing him the keys

"I can't wait till I ride man" Jungkook jumped and cheered like a little kid as he wrapped his arms around Tae and continuously kissing his cheeks

"Stop" the pregnant boy giggled

"Anyway I hope you guys like todays video along with Jungkook's new bike, also don't forget to like comment and subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video bye" he waved

"Babe stop" he squeal giggles filling the parking lot as the camera stopped recording.

Sorry for any mistake as this is not proofread
I fell asleep on the first half of writing this chapter and I just finished it so again sorry if it late even though I said it was gonna come out in a few hours earlier (lol)😅

Another chapter will be out soon while I get my shitz together

Bye y'all 🤍

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