𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 24𝚑𝚛𝚜

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"what's up Taekookies welcome back to a new video" the male beamed at the camera, as you already can tell he was filming another for the fam

"How are you guys doing today, I hope you're doing wonderful"

Anyway as you could tell, I'm pranking Tae by taking revenge for that stupid coyote" the male huffed with a pout on his beautiful cherry lips

"Today I'm gonna be doing the not letting my boyfriend kiss me for 24hrs challenge" Jungkook stated

"to be honest I think it would be a very difficult challenge considering that Tae can't spend a second without kissing me, so yeah," the male says with a cooky smirk displayed on his face

"Anyway let's start the prank I feel like I'm talking a lot," jungkook said chuckling

the male walk down the stairs into the living room to hide the cameras, he sat on the couch and Yeontan immediately climbed on his lap, and cuddle himself on the man's lap, and jungkook rake his long tattooed fingers through his fur

Taehyung who was in the bathroom finally came out and plop himself on the couch beside jungkook

"Hey, baby" the boy greets leaning in for a kiss which jungkook denied by moving away from the boy. Taehyung furrows his eyebrows in confusion as he stared at the male before him

"why did you do that?" the boy asks

"do what" Jungkook respond eyes still glued on the TV

" you know what you did" Taehyung huffed in annoyance

"no, I don't, what?"

"you leaned away from me when I was trying to kiss you"

jungkook finally looked at the boy who was glaring holes in his head with an adorable pout on his lip "and you're mad because I rejected your kiss"

" Yeah, cause you know you have to give me my daily dose of kisses to get through the day" the boy whine

"Alright fine you big baby," Jungkook said leaning in to kiss the boy but pulled away before the boy's lips could touch his "SIKE!!"


the male laugh at his boyfriend's weird tantrum as he sat up and stretch he walk toward the fridge and grabbed a banana milk from the stash that was in the fridge and walk to the gym to do a small workout with Taehyung hot on his tail whining

"Like I don't why you're are not kissing me" the boy wail

"because I don't feel like kissing you, and plus there's no reason to" the male shrugged making Taehyung gasp

" but your always in the mood to kiss me, even if it's annoying sometimes but we're not talking about that right now" Tae rant out

"well I guess I'm not in the mood today"

Tae huff and turn around to walk out of the gym but on his way out he spots the camera in the corner beside the dumbells. he smirks as an idea came into his head

"where are you going" jungkook ask he sit up from doing push-ups

none of your business" the boy growl making the male frown and giggle after


Taehyung walks into their shared bedroom and ran straight to the closet he pulls out a multicolored booty short with a heart on the back and paired it with a white tank top that reaches his belly showing off the belly piercings he got last week.

Taehyung walks into their shared bedroom and ran straight to the closet he pulls out a multicolored booty short with a heart on the back and paired it with a white tank top that reaches his belly showing off the belly piercings he got last week

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he wore the fit and checked himself out in the mirror he messed up his hair to make them look messy and pull up the shorts to show more of his plump jiggly ass

"ready" he smirks to himself and went back down to the gym

he walked into the gym and ignored jungkook who was staring at him with a hungry gaze, and walked straight to the dumbells and bend down to grab the heavy metal weight which he struggles to do so, giving jungkook a good view of his ass

"you need help babygirl" jungkook appeared behind him and grabbing the males waist

"no thanks" Taehyung respond and begin doing squats with the weight and jungkook looking at him with a predator gaze making the boy feel a little intimidated but still kept his guards up

In the mirror in front of Taehyung there stood jungkook behind him about a 2-3ft away from him staring intensely at the boy's every move with sweat trickling down his forehead down his neck and getting absorbed in the thin tank top he was wearing which was soaked in sweat showing outlines of his glorious abs, watching at how his ass jiggle whenever he stands up from his squats.

"Are you trying to tease me, princess," the male rasped in the boy's ear

"of course not daddy," Taehyung said walking out of the gym to the kitchen swaying his wide curvy hip along the way

"Such a tease," jungkook said to no one and ran after  Taehyung to see him drinking water, but it was an unholy sight. His plump lips wrapped around the bottle drop of water falling from his mouth to his shirt making the shirt see-through

he pinned the boy to the fridge " what are you trying to do Taehyung" he growls

"nothing" the boy replies with innocent eyes staring at jungkook

"fuck it" the male leaned in to kiss the boy but Taehyung turned his face to the side causing the male to kiss his cheeks

" why did move away" Jungkook ask

"I'm not in the mood to kiss you" Taehyung sassed

" you saw the camera didn't you"

" you know, you should really find a better place to hide the camera"

"you can't blame me you know all the hiding spots, and you were in the bathroom which means you could've come out anytime" Jungkook muttered grabbing the camera behind the TV

Taehyung shrug as he let out a giggle

Anyway thank you guy for watching today's video make sure you like, comment and, subscribe"

"And don't forget to turn on your post notifications so you get notified when you upload new content. and today's special shout-out goes to HADGFKSHD thank you for requesting today's video"

"and as always Taekookies we'll see you guys in the next video"

"byeee" both males wave at the camera before turning it off


Sorry if this chapter is not good it's basically 3am rn and I have school tmr
which means updates will be slower than usual *sorry*
but anyway what do you think about today's chapter
not proofread

Have a beautiful day!

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