Daddy daughter date night

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>>Bonus chap<<

"What's up Taekookies!" Taehyung beamed

"How you guys doing" he smiled

"Say hi Ruby" he nudge towards his 1-1/2 year old babygirl who did a quick wave then shy away from the camera by hiding her face in her mommy's chest making the boy laugh.

"Anyway today's video is slightly different, it's a father daughter date night"

"Jungkook insisted it since he feels like he haven't been spending some quality time with his daughter because of all the business trips he has to attend" he explained

"It's also good for me because I get a little time for myself, because a little certain someone wants to annoy mommy all the time" he said tickling the girls side making her squeal and then leaving a peck on her forehead.

"Let's get you ready before daddy comes to pick you up"

"Ok mama" she hop off Taehyung's lap and ran towards her room causing the mother to shake her head with a smile on her face.

He picked up the camera and followed the little girl

Once he reach her bedroom he saw her sitting on her little stool infront of the mirror ready for her mommy to do her hair.

"You excited aren't you love" he said setting the camera down and fixing the angle

"Hmh" she nods " I can't wait to see dada again"

Taehyung comb her soft curly hair and put it into two pigtails he then clipped on two bunny Barrettes on each pigtails.

He then went on to pick out her outfit, he opened her closet and picked out a black plaid skirt along with a bear printed sweater and a long sock since it was chilly out along with a fluffy looking boot.

"Come here baby"

He dressed her up and squeal at how adorable she looks

"Omg baby you look so cute" he squeals squishing her cheeks and pecking her cheeks and lips.

"Omg baby you look so cute" he squeals squishing her cheeks and pecking her cheeks and lips

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The front door then unlocked revealing Jungkook

"Princess, mama I'm home!" He called out few seconds later tiny feets came running up to him

"Dada you're here" she cheers jumping into his arms

"Yes mama I'm here to pick you up" he grinned pecking her cheeks

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