Chapter #1: First day

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It was Kiyotaka Ishimaru's first day at Hopes Peak Academy. Needless to say, he was excited! He has been working for this moment ever since he was five! He had done it. He had gotten in! But he knew damn well that this was just the start.

He took a deep breath in and looked up at the prestigious place. The crest of Hopes Peak shining down on him. He smiled giddily and marched into the place! (he only really marched in because he didn't wanna run.)

Taka looked around, everything was shiny. The tile floors, the wood doors, the framed faces of past Ultimates.

U l t i m a t e s .

He groaned. He didn't want to be considered an "Ultimate". A person who was a genius at a certain something. He wasn't a genius. He worked his ass off to get here. He rather be a Reserve Course student, or AT LEAST considered one. But, no, he was considered and Ultimate. Ultimate Moral Compass. What a weird Ultimate Talent.

But no matter! If he was going to be the known as the Ultimate Moral Compass he'd show that he wasn't born ultimate at it! He'd show the whole WORLD he got to where he was by learning, studying, and working hard!

But then there came the problem.

Other students.

Taka had never been good with people, but these people. These g e n i u s e s-no- he shouldn't assume all of them are lazy and no good. Maybe they worked just as hard as him to be where they were! Yeah, maybe they had busted their asses to be here too!

But, just in the case they didn't and ARE fed with a silver spoon since out of the womb geniuses, he was scared he'd get bullied-no, not even bullied, but assaulted again. He didn't feel like getting another bone broken just because he didn't allow them to cheat off of him. He didn't wanna be hurt again. They'd probably WOULD hurt him either way knowing how his social skills were.

 No, no he shouldn't think like that. He shook his head. He put his stuff in his locker and walked to class. Didn't wanna be late on the first day! He walked to class 136. Homeroom. Class 78. The people he'd be seeing and learning with for the next few years.

He breathed in and opened the door......


WordCount: 397

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