Chapter #5: Sauna (TW. No, seriously, TW. This might fuck you up.)

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//Last chance to back out. Big fat trigger warning.//

It had been a week since the two met and it had been a n i g h t m a r e for Ishimaru. Mondo was constantly skipping class, smoking on campus, getting into fights (only two times was it understandable on why) all in all they had gotten into more than a few arguments.

Yet, yet Ishimaru couldn't help but still have an attraction to this man.

W h y ? 

He couldn't help wanting to just-just kiss his irratating, anger issued filled face!

Especially while arguing.

Like right now.

After school.

All alone.


"THEN ACT LIKE IT!" god, why is he hot when he's angry!?

Mondo growled and bit back his anger. "We'll settle this....yeah we'll settle this with a competition!"

Taka stared him in the eyes, a smug smirk appearing on his face. "How about a test of endurence? How long can you last in a sauna?" 

Mondo grinned wildly. "Longer than you asshole."

God, did he wanna wipe that stupid cocky smile off his face with a rough kiss. wHY DID HE WANT THAT DAMNIT!? HE BARELY KNEW THE GUY!

"Hey, since no one is around to watch to match let's make an honesty pledge." Mondo said.

Taka almost wanted to say, 'Hey! You think I'm not a man of my word just because of my name!?' but he bit it back. "I agree to make an honesty pledge!" He put his hand over his heart. "I, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, swear to say only the truth and nothing but the truth of who wins this battle."

Mondo put his hand over his heart and said the same thing.

The two men went into the locker room, Ishimaru fully stripped and put a towel around his waist. He turned around to see that Mondo was still clothed.

"Mondo! Why aren't you changed yet!?"

"Tch, I'm not fucking changing! I'm gonna beat you AND have all my clothes on!"

Taka gasped. "No! That's practically suicide! I will not allow for such a thing!" Mondo seemed to cringe at the word suicide.

"Why the fuck do you even WANT my clothes off! Wanna see me fucking naked!?" Once Mondo realized what he said a faint dusting of pink seemed to go over his face.

"WHAT!? NO!" Taka blushed in embarrassment, "I just don't want you to get hurt, or-or worse..." He said.

"Tch. I won't get hurt. Trust me." He elbowed Ishimaru, giving the raven haired boy a soft smile. A smile that made them seem closer than they actually were. As though they were close friends. That.....that warmed Taka's heart a bit.

  This felt......almost homey. Taka liked it. 

"Fine. But it you show ANY signs of heat exhaustion I'm pausing the battle so I can heal you."

They stepped into the sauna together, and sat down in silence. 

Taka got lost in his thought for who knows how long, the heat was bearable. He knew he could take Owada he just had to........Was-Was Mondo checking him out?

 He was just.......s t a r i n g at him.


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