Chapter #9: Detention (unfinished verision wip)

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(Executive dysfunction is a bitch so take this scrap)

After Mondo and Taka had started a petiton for the school to ACTUALLY put some care in enforcing the rules and practically everyone had signed it, they turned it into Mr.Kirigiri.
Of course, Mr.Kirigiri couldn't ignore this. almost all of the students had signed this! So, for the first time EVER Hopes Peak now had detention and an official hall and detention monitier which, of course, was Taka.

Of course Taka put his bullies in detention for the rest of semester after school and they couldn't do shit about it cuz he'd just keep them in detention for the NEXT semester. It gave Taka a giddy power trip but he would NEVER go overboard with such power. Never. He aims for justice and he shall act fairly to achive his goal.


Fairness doesn't always seem fair.

Since Mondo had beat up one of the bullies pretty bad he had to go into detention as well.

Only for a week though.

Well, at least Taka and him would still be hanging out most days after school. in a way-
He really did feel horrible about it but Mondo understood. He didn't like it but he understood.


Day 1:

The Ultimate Moral Compass leaned against the desk, keeping a watchful eye on everyone in the room.

His bullies were glaring daggers at him or staring off into space.

Taka then looked at mondo who was drawing on his homework. Taka would be scolding him if it was ON the math problems, thank the lords it was only around them. 

Mondo then made eye contact with Taka.

Ishimaru's face lit up in embarrassment. He looked away for a split-second then looked back.

Owada stuck out his to out at tongue at him. Ishimaru gave him a bewildered look the stuck his tongue out.

He had now entered a game unintentionally with his bestfriend.

Mondo then winked, tongue still out.

Taka copied him

Mondo giggled a bit at this. He then decided to test the limits to see how far Ishimaru would copy him.

He gave a peace sign, tongue in this time.

Taka copied, now trying to hold in a giggle.

Mondo booped his own nose.

Taka did the same, silently mouthing the word "boop".


NOW mondo REALLY needed to see how far he'd go to win the game.

He stuck his middle finger up.

Taka made a noise of shock, anger, and betrayal.

"MONDO!" he screeched.

The other students in the room had caught on at the winking part and were now just laughing up a storm. They'd be teasing Taka about how he's playing game in detention if it wasn't the only for of entertainment they had.


"I'm already in detention bro!"


Owada jokingly gave Taka puppy eyes. "Awwww, broooo, you wouldn't do that to meeeeeee."

Taka glared at him. "Don't push me Owada." in one of the coldest tones he's given him. Aka, warm on the outside kinda frozen in the middle.

Mondo just chuckled to distract him from his feeling of fear and slight attraction to being talked to by Taka that way. He felt kinda bad for teasing Taka like that but that's just how they got when playing games.

"Awwwww, look! They're having a lover's quarrel!~" One the bullies teased.

Taka gave the most brutal death glare to him. "Detention for you has been lengthened by two weeks." He said in the coldest voice imaginable.

The one teasing then shrunk back down in his seat, too scared to argue.

Mondo REALLY didn't want to admit that a cold tone from his bestfriend made him FEEL some way-


Day 2:

Taka sat behind the desk, with permission of course. It would be rude to sit in the teacher's chair without their knowledge and consent!

Mondo was biting his nails out of pure bordem. Taka saw this and walked over to the desk his bestfriend was sitting in.

(And that's where i ended last i'll try to work on it more later.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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