Chapter #4: The Ally Way

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After the bar fight and FINALLY getting their food, Taka decided to walk home. Leon said he could just drive him back to his house but he declined. His home was close and he didn't want his new and first ever friend to see the mess that was his home.

He walked down the ally way. An ally way he was MORE than familiar with. Taka knew it wasn't the safest ally way. But it was the fastest way home and he didn't want to worry his father anymore than he already has. Taka's boots hit the asphalt in a steady pace. 1, 2, 3, 4, he was counting his steps to keep his worries away.  What if he got home and his father was mad? Even worse what if he got home and he was inebriated-?

No! Don't think like that. It'll all be fine. He shook his head and kept on walking. wELL HE WOULD HAVE KEPT ON WALKING IF IT WEREN"T FOR THE SCREECHES OF MOTORCYCLES GOING INTO THE ALLY!

 Taka hid around a corner, breathing heavily. Holy shit he could've just gotten ran over!

Then, he heard on the other side of the ally more roaring of motorcycles. What was happening!?

"This is o u r terf fuckos." He heard a familiar voice growl.

"M o n d o ?" He whispered under his breath. He looked around the corner to see what was going on.

Tough looking bikers were on both sides of the ally way, but only the gang leaders got off of their bikes.

"I thought we were here to fight for it?" The gang leader with a snake on his jacket said snarkely.

"Yeah, o u r   t e r f . " Mondo threw the first punch and chaos broke out! everyone got off their bikes and started fighting.

Taka knew it was wrong but he couldn't help but w a t c h . It was dishonorable to be in a terf war but d a m n did Mondo look good kicking ass. 

During the fight, Mondo, got knocked down. Taka gasped. How!? Just behind the gang leader was a member of the rival gang, bat in hand, aiming to hit Mondo in the skull. 

"NO!" He didn't know why or how but Ishimaru sprung into action! Grabbing a broken old pipe from off the ground and hitting the guy in the stomach. 

Mondo got up, looking at Taka, or, for him, the mystery boy who just saved his life. The other guy fell to the ground, coughing up blood.

"Who the fuck are you!?" He choked out. 

"My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru! Don't forget it!" He kicked the other man in the stomach and gave him a glare that would've scared death! 

The other guy scrambled to get up and ran. 


Taka turned around to face Mondo. He smiled, blushing.


"Uhm," He punched a guy that was coming towards him. "Thanks for saving my ass."

Taka chuckled and busted in someone's knees. "No problem!" 

He looked around, trying to see if he could go through.

"What are you looking for?" Mondo asked.

"This is the ally I use to get home, but, well, i can't really-YOU"RE PUNCHING FORM IS INCORRECT-cuz, uh, gang fight."

Mondo's eyes went wide. "Oh shit, sorry dude. I'll keep em off, you get home!"

"Thank you!" Taka said, he ran as fast as he could out of the fight.

He arrived home in good time. His dad was passed out on the couch, as usual. He quietly crept upstairs and went to bed, thinking about the man he just met.


WordCount: 563

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