Chapter 3: Fight For Me (TW for homophobic language.)

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// A/N: this chapter is a song chapter. Listen to the song Fight For Me from the Heather's album to get it. If it's part of the song it'll have emojis around it just idk how to do fonts on this thing.//

Taka, Aoi, Leon, and Chihiro walked into the bar. The place was filled with warm lighting and the smell of BBQ. It felt hot. Stuffy. Uncomfortable. But Taka didn't dare to comment on it.

There were posters of bands and improv adult comedy covering the walls. The place was, in all honesty, if toxic masculinity took the form of a bar. But, in a way, it felt almost like home. Dirty and gross and covered in the stuff Taka despised the most. 

It had rough hard wooden floors on the bottom part of the bar, burnt orange walls that didn't help with the stuffiness he was feeling AT ALL, and then up the shortt flight of stair laid the part of the bar had black carpeting. The top part had normal tables and the bottom was filled with leather booths. The place also had a jukebox and a pacman game, Leon gawked at the jukebox as Chihiro giddily waved their hands at the pacman game.

The group of friends sat down at a booth, waited for a bit, got their orders in, and waited again. During their wait, something happened at the bar. A man with a VERY strange pompadour and another rough tough looking guy had gotten into an argument. A very LOUD argument.

"What are you trying to fucking say?" The man with a strange hairstyle said, grabbing the other man by the collar.

"Sir pl-"

"Stay the fuck out of this!" He yelled at the bartender. He went back at glaring at the other man.

"I suggest you choose your next words carefully cuz they might be your FUCKING last." He growled.

Leon tapped Taka on the shoulder, clearly excited. "Oh my god dude! We're about to witness a bar fight!" He whispered excitedly.
"We should stop them!" Taka said.
"W-We shouldn't!" Chihiro said. "That guy is the leader of the Crazy Diamonds."
Taka's heart was flooded with fear hearing the name. "C-Crazy Diamonds? The biggest gang in the country?"
Chihiro nodded, Aoi held him close as a way to comfort them. "Yeah, we should stay out of this one." "Plus," She added, smirking, "Kinda wanna watch."

The group of friends looked back at the two men. The other guy seemed to still be silent.

"I said....." The leader growled. "CHOOSE YOUR NEXT DAMN WORDS BITCH!"
The other man chuckled. 
"If these are my last words I chose well." He looked the leader in the eyes. "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO DIE THAT NIGHT YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING FAG! YOU"RE WEAK AND YOU'LL ALWAYS BE WEAK YOU PANSY!"

Taka gasped. Yeah, no, he absolutely didn't feel safe here.

And with that, the leader threw the first punch. "YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" the force of his punch threw the other man to the ground, blood spattered everywhere.

Aoi cheered him on, so did Leon. Chihiro curled away in the booth scared, but Ishimaru...

Ishimaru just stared

🚬""HOLY SHIT! holy shit! HOLY SHIT! holy shiiiiiiiiit!""🚬

He stared in awe, and-and maybe something else.

❤""Why, when you see boys fight does it look so horrible yet- f e e l   s o   r i g h t ?~""❤

Maybe-Maybe he was also staring because-well-the leader looked so g o o d .

❤""I shouldn't watch this crap that's not who i am- but with this kid-""❤

The leader pinned the guy to the floor, punching him straight in his mouth, blood flying everywhere.

💕"" d a m n ~ ""💕

The other guy kneed him the crotch.

"Oh that's a low blow!" Leon said visabley wincing 

The leader stood up, wincing in pain. "You're gonna fucking pay for that you son of a bitch!"
The other guy got up and brushed the blood off of his lips, some of his teeth had fallen out on the floor from the punch. He tried to kick the leader but missed! The leader punch him in the jaw, then held him up by his collar again and went to town on his face.

❤""Hey, Mister No-Named kid. So, who might you be?""❤

Ishimaru rested his face in his palm, dreamily looking at the man who was busting the others teeth in.
"OoOoOoO! GET IT BITCH!" Leon yelled.

All of a sudden, he dropped the man. "This isn't a fair fight....This isn't what men do....."

❤""And could you fight for me?"❤

❤""And hey, could you face the crowd? Could you be seen with me and still act proud?""❤

"Men also don't wear makeup yet here you are with eyeliner on." The other man choked out, spitting out blood.

Okay, yeah, Ishimaru had NO sympathy or empathy for this man.

And with that, the leader bit his tongue and kicked the other man's stomach. "You're not worth my damn time. It was a mistake to even have started this damn fight."


The bar exploded with cheers, which made Ishimaru a little overwhelmed, but it was alright, because he finally got the leader's name. "Mondo Owada...." He said sweetly under his breath. He then shook his head. "Isn't someone named Mondo Owada supposed to be in our class?" Taka asked.

Chihiro looked at him, "I-I think so." Leon turned to him and smiled. "YOOOOOOOO! WE GOT A GANG LEADER IN OUR CLASS! THAT"S EPIC!" He shouted.

Taka looked dreamily at him as Mondo left the bar. 

❤""If some night your free....""❤

❤""Wanna fight for me?""❤


WordCount: 972

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