Chapter #7: Drive in movies

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//bitch i TOLD you it was gonna be a cliche 50's love story! Also, THANK YOU FOR 100+ READS!//

Taka and Mondo had been friends for about a month now, and one thing was apparent.

These boys could read each other like a book.

If Mondo was seemingly mad for no reason Taka knew he was about to have a panic attack and helped him calm down.

If Taka seemed to be glaring at someone and being an ass Mondo would tell him how he seemed, and he would apologize over and over and learn from his mistakes, weather that meant softening his look or trying to re-phrase something.

So, even if their bromance seemingly came out of nowhere the class wasn't against it.

Especially since Mondo was the best at teaching Taka recent trends and slang terms. They didn't trust Leon with this task for obvious reasons.

 But since it was an obvious fact Taka didn't know much about pop culture some of the other kids would tease him about it using pop culture itself. Confusing Ishimaru and making him feel dumb about it.

It didn't help that the beginning of the school year tests were around the corner. His stress level was high and it was made worse by some people purposely breaking school rules. There seemed to be a bet around school to see who would make Taka snap first.

Mondo, being Mondo, threatened to beat these fuckers up but Taka forbade him from it, for he didn't want Mondo to get in trouble and he wanted to prove he could handle his own demons.


It was very clearly taking a toll on Taka.

His stress had gone over the roof, he was very jumpy and seemed to even be losing sleep over this. He knew it was a dumb thing to be losing sleep over but he couldn't help it. It just all seemed to much. He was scared one day he WAS going to crack and the visions of laughing faces pointing at him and mocking him as he kneeled down sobbing was all too much.

He knew it shouldn't affect him, something similar had happened before at his middle school, but that was probably why it affected him SO much.

 And Mondo being Mondo decided to help his friend out.

He walked over to Taka's dorm and busted open the door.


Ishimaru groaned.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat? Mondo, as much as I love spending time with you I'm trying to study for our up coming exams. You should be studying too!" He lectured.

Mondo walked over to Ishimaru's desk, which had been swalloed up by papers and folders all filled with trivia and knowledge for the up coming exam, and picked him up.

"Nope. No more studying for today! You need a break."
"Mondo i can-"
Owada squeezed him a bit. "Come on brodaiiiiiiiiiiiiii. You've been studying day and night, even during lunch breaks!"
"It's NORMAL for me to study during lunch breaks!" He argued.
Mondo rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, but you actually TALKED to us during lunch. Now you're all burried in your books!"

 He set Taka down on his bed, placing his hands on his shoulders. "I-Look man, I don't know if the others see it but I fuckin do. It's not just that you don't talk tah us you don't eat." He sighed. "The bags under your eyes have grown too. Ya need a break. Come on, stop studying for one night and hang with me."

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