Chapter #2: Lunch

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Taka stepped into class to see who he'd be studying with the next few years. His teacher, Mr.Kodaka was sitting at his desk, smiling. Taka sat down in his assgined seat. He had never been so nervous for the first day!

Mr.Kodaka cleared his throat. "Hello students! My name is Kazutaka Kodaka but you will refer to me as Mr.Kodaka. I will take attendence. Now, since it's the first day, when i call your name you will say your ultimate talent and a fun fact about yourself!"

"Aoi Asahina!"

A girl with brown hair and a gravity defying ponytail spoke. "Hello, my name is Aoi Asahina and I'm the Ultimate Swimmer! A fun fact about me is that I love, love, LOVE donuts!"

Mr. Kodaka nodded and went on and read the list.

Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Martial Artist.
Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Doujin Creator.
Celestia Ludenburg, if that even WAS her real name, Ultimate Gambler.
Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student.

"Chihiro Fujisaki!"

A timid person spoke up. "M-My name is Chihiro Fujisaki. I'm the Ultimate Programmer. A f-fun fact about me is that i-uhm..i-i've started working out!"

Taka smiled, proud of Chihiro's hard work.

"Leon Kuwata!"

A firey young man who looked very punk stood up. "Yo! The name's Leon Kuwata! I'm the Ultimate Baseball Player and an interesting fact about me is despite my talent I wanna be a rock star!"

Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate......She refused to say her ultimate. huh.
Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Affulent Progeny.
Toko Fukawa, Ultimate Writing Prodigy.
Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Pop Idol.
Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Model.
Mukuro Ikusaba, Ultimate Soldier.

"Kiyotaka Ishimaru!"

Taka stood up. "My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru! I am the Ultimate Moral Compass! I-" He paused. Was a n y fact about him fun? "A fun fact about me is that my favorite color is blue!" 'Yeah, THAT was interesting! Good going Taka.' He mentally berated himself. Nothing new.

"And Mondo Owada!"


"Mondo Owada....? Mondo Owada!"

Mr.Kodaka looked around the room.

"Guess he's not here."

'How irresponsible!' Taka thought. 'Skipping the first day of school!' He mentally hit himself over the head. 'Don't assume that they skipped! They could just be sick. Don't assume the worst of people you don't know!'


After a hard few class periods of work it was finally lunch! He was so excited to eat! He sat down alone at a table outside. This is how he always ate lunch. Outside. Alone. The only time he DIDN"T eat lunch outside was when it was either raining or he was hiding from bullies.

As soon as he opened his bento box a girl sat down across from him. Then a boy next to him, then another person across from him.

Those people?

Aoi Asahina.

Leon Kuwata.

And Chihiro Fujisaki.

Taka was surprised! People were sitting with him! For lunch! He was almost happy! A l m o s t . The thought of, 'they'll go away as soon as they get to know you' ruined it.

"Hi! You're Kiyotaka, right?" Aoi asked.

"Yes, but, if you'd like you can call me Taka!"

The swimmer smiled a traced his name in her palm three times. "Alright then Taka! Tell us about yourself!"


"Yeah man, tell us about yourself!" Leon said with spunk.

"Y-Yeah! We saw you sitting by yourself and w-we wanted to maybe, well, hang out with you!" Chihiro added.

Hangout!? H A N G O U T! ? Oh my! This was all too much! He was being INVITED into hang out!? AND ON THE FIRST DAY!

Taka cleared his throat. "Well, uhm, I like math, science, and english! Would you like to hear about all I've learned out fire over the summer?" No, no of course they wouldn't no one does-
"Sure!" They trio of smiling faces said happily.

W o a h .

"Really!? Well-"

And for the rest of lunch, they talked and Taka learned how to joke and he was suggested shows and movies to watch and they laughed and had so much and even shared food!

As the bell rung, Leon grabbed Taka's shoulder. "Hey, all of us should go to this SUPER cool bar after school today!"

Taka thought for a second, cringing at the thought of drinking. "We're underage! We shouldn't drink!"

Leon rolled his eyes, smiling. "Knew ya'd say that! Lucky you, they also serve food there!"

"FOOD!?" Asahina said excitedly.

Chihiro giggled. "Sounds fun! I'll be there!"

"There's gonna be food! Count me in!"

Taka smiled. It wouldn't mess with his studying for today was a Friday! "I'll be there!"

Leon smiled. "Got it! How about we meet up here so i can drive us all to the place?"

"Sounds good!" Taka said. Aoi and Chihiro nodded giddly. 


And with that, the new found friends went off to class, excited for tonight!


WordCount: 799

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