Part #8: Fight

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Taka woke up, yawned, got dressed, and walked out of his dorm. He was nervous about those kids teasing him again as soon as he stepped into the classroom, sure, but he couldn't let them hurt his education!

The Ultimate Moral Compass heard some comotion outside of his homeroom, wanting to know what was going on he peaked around the corner to see Mondo threatening the main bully!

"Mess with my bestfriend again and i'll rip your throat out of your neck, got it!?" He said, pinning Aku Zankoku Ultimate Fanartist to the wall.
The cruel boy was trembling and crying. Taka couldn't help but feel bad.
"Yes s-sir! i'm sorry, i'm sorry!" Aku cried.
"You fucking better be." Owada growled, dropping hard onto the white tiled floor. "Now go tell those pissy bitches you call friends! G o t i t ?"

Aku scampered away, tears rushing down his bruised and bloodied face.

"Owada!" Taka yelled, his brows furrowed and his face red. Mondo turned around, eyes wide. He knew he was in deep shit.
The gang leader rolled his eyes. "'Poor boy' yeah right. Poor as Junko is ugly! He made your life a living hell and-and I just couldn't watch it anymore...."
"Mondo you know I told you-"
"I know what ya fuckin told me! But you know that they wouldn't have stopped if I hadn't done something! You know how the staff here is. They don't give two damns about us."

 Taka looked down knowing he couldn't argue with mondo on this. He had to convince there class to go to every period every day. The teachers didn't care about teaching them as long as they got paid and the students worked on their talent, which no one out of class usually did for most of the Ultimates here were prodigies.

"I can't argue with you on that."
"I know ya can't and that's why it pisses me off that you didn't put your hands on em!"
Taka looked back up at him, shocked. "Mondo! I would never physically hurt someone unless needed!"
"Yeah and it was needed! Now they aren't gonna fuck with ya anymore!" Mondo gave his bro the most himbo-est of smiles. Taka glared at him.
"Still, we should of just waited until they got bored of me."
"Then what!? let them pick on someone else and let the cycle continue!?"
"I-" Taka grabbed his moniter pin and grimaced. "I couldn't let that happen."
"So you would hit em?" Mondo asked.

"Not....Not hit. Not harm in that way. But..." He looked up and the man with edgy eyeliner. "But..."
"But what?"
"I'd get them expelled!"
"So you're telling me you'd put it on their record and let Principal Kirigiri handle knowing how fucking lazy and uncaring that bastard is!?"

Once again.

He couldn't find an argument against Mondo's claim.

The prefect sighed and placed a hand on Mondo's shoulder. "You're right. You did the right thing in this situation. But now this just means we have to work hard to get the school to care about these sort of things!"
Mondo's eyes were wide. He clearly didn't expect this outcome;but that didn't mean he disliked it. "Yeah! Yeah you're right!" Mondo placed his hand on Taka's shoulder while Taka's hand was still on his. "Revalution!"

And with that, the boys linked arms and walked to class, smiling.



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