Chapter #6: Showers (TW but not too bad)

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//It's just some internalized homophobia.//

The two had hit the showers to cool off. Mondo was in the one right next to Taka.


In the shower


Okay but seriously, he WISH he could make it sound platonic his utter NEED to see and feel Mondo's abs.

After the two boys dried off, Taka pointed at Mondo's left pectoral. "A diamond tattoo?"

Mondo looked down and nodded. "Uh, yeah. That's a diamond tattoo. I got it as a memento to Dayia."

Taka smiled softly. "That's sweet."

"I'm surprised you aren't chewing me out for having a tattoo in highschool."

"I make exceptions." He smiled, elbowing Mondo.

The two started talking for awhile, giggling, making inside jokes, but in the middle of it he noticed Mondo kept staring at his abs.





Almost-Almost drooling over them.

Taka decided to point this out mid sentence.

"I-Mondo are you staring at my abs?"

Owada very clearly freaked out over this, almost falling off the bench. "Wh-What no I'm not fucking gay! I-I-"

Taka gave him a look, a look that said, "Tell the damn truth". And DAMN did that look work on him. Owada even gave the expression of a guilty puppy!

Mondo sighed. "I-well ya see I like chicks but I also-" he said the next part in a low, embarrassed whisper, "i also kinda like dicks, BUT THERE"S NO WAY I"M GAY! I MEAN I-I CAN"T BE WEAK! I HAVE A GANG TO RUN!" He laughed nervously.



"You think, I'm strong, right?"

"Yeah bro, you're probably one of the strongest men I know."

"Therefore me being gay doesn't change anything."

Mondo sputtered. "yOU"RE GAY!?"

Taka breathed in heavily, more than ready to already loose his bestfriend. He knew damn well most people found him unlikable and in a way was already waiting for Mondo to leave him. "Yes."

To Taka's surprise, Mondo smiled. 


"Of course! Your sexuality has no say over your strength!"

Mondo's smile faltered. "B-But there's no way I can like chicks and dicks. I-I'm probably just confused."

Taka put a hand on Mondo's shoulder, giving him a warm smile. "It's called being bisexual Mondo."

Owada looked up at him. "Huh?"

"Bisexuality. Defined by sexual and usually romantic attraction following for both males, females, and people in between. You could also be pansexual, defined by having attraction to people of all genders but not having a preference for gender. Such as, a Bi person may prefer woman over men but a Pan person has no preference. But, those are just the defintions it's really up to you which label feels right, if you'd like to label yourself at all." Ishimaru explained.

Mondo looked at him with pure amazement and happiness in his eyes. "I'm not broken I'm not confused I'm just bi! That-uh-that one seems to fit the most." He smiled so brightly the sun was in second place of it's shine!

Taka hugged him tightly. "You've never been broken brodai." He said sweetly.

Mondo hugged back. He felt-he felt whole!

"So, i'm not-I'm not weak for putting on makeup and having long hair and all that girly shit?"

"Mondo, Sakura Ogami is the most feminine person I know and she's the Ultimate Martial Artist. She's girly AND strong. Being feminine has NOTHING to do with strength."

Mondo smiled from cheek to cheek. He felt so loved!

"No one's ever told me that."

"Well it's good you're hearing this now then!"

The two boys laughed and hugged one another.

 "Hey, uh, could you not tell anyone I'm bi? Not yet."

"Of course! i wouldn't want to out you!"

Mondo chuckled. "Hey, uh, you said there was more than two genders. Tell me a bit more about that? I should learn more about my community."

Taka smiled and laughed. "Of course!"

And with that, the two boys changed together, talking about gender.

He never did get a straight answer on if Mondo was staring at his abs.

Eh, whatever. He was probably just admiring them.


WordCount: 682

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