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18. something bad

 something bad

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For Yeosang, the morning came in milky rays of sunlight and in the warm pressure of a tiny body curled against him.

The detective never truly understood the greeting 'good morning' until he visited Jongho's world, where the sun sang especially bright over the quiet buildings and where there was complete peace in the early hours. But he'd be leaving it again soon.

It was a truth that dampened his mind as he and San got dressed for breakfast; their departure would come immediately afterwards. So, they took their time getting ready, listening to the amiable chatter and clinks of silverware made by the children downstairs.

Then, they joined the crowd in the midst of their meal.

San chirped happily to a few of his playmates that came into the kitchen from the dining room for seconds, quickly abandoning Yeosang at the threshold. Around the kitchen island buffet, Jongho was preparing a few more dishes with seasoned ease. He wasn't wearing an apron today, but he didn't need it — his blouse and vest were completely spotless.

Jongho suddenly gave the detective a welcoming grin and again, Yeosang was reminded of the greeting. It was indeed a good morning, he thought silently, rounding the counter and grabbing one of the fresh pastries in the process.

The conductor continued to cook while Yeosang silently basked in his presence, politely skirting around him at times. They've grown accustomed to this, silenting basking and appreciating each other's presence without saying a word.

It made Yeosang think of Seonghwa and Hongjoong: how they could so easily understand one another with a glance at their expression or how they could have an entire conversation with the flick of their eyes. He smiled at the thought of them, taking a sip of his coffee that Jongho knowingly prepared for him.

Just the right amount of cream and sugar was added too.

Breakfast carried on like this, Jongho cooking, the children eating and Yeosang contemplating over his drink. Eventually, plates began to pile up in the sink and the children dispersed over the house, calling after each other as they ran up the stairs or took to the living room.

When San appeared, Yeosang instructed him to grab anything before they left and by the time Jongho was done cleaning, he returned with only the engagement ring clutched in a tiny fist. The detective wasted no time in bundling up San, watching out of the corner of his eye as Jongho grabbed a piece of chalk.

There was a small frown on the conductor's lips, but Yeosang didn't think too much of it.

With Jongho hollering goodbye and the children echoing it back, the trio left the house and drew a line to the seventh station. It turned into dust by the time they arrived, San hardly able to contain himself as he bounded down the stairs, singing, "Yeosangie! Yeosangie! Let's go! Go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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