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it feels like home...

it feels like home

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Thousands of tiny lights whirred by like shooting stars, dotting the infinite space that encapsulated the silver train. They were balls of fire and passion, on an endless journey to an unknown destination with no fate to call their own.

In that fact, those nameless flecks of white were just like Yeosang — having thrown fate to the wind and willingly allowing destiny to blindly pull them along. The only difference was that Destiny herself was leading those brainless stars and somehow, Yeosang managed to be threaded around the finger of a complete stranger.

Since the train's departure, the unlikely pair had been traveling through space for what felt like ages; when in reality, only a few minutes. Yeosang hardly registered the fact time slowed down in this paradox, the amount of lights whizzing by making it feel like imaginary mountains and oceans were being crossed in the blink of an eye.

The solitary conductor was standing only a few steps away and staring broodingly at Yeosang, whose gaze was intensely glued to the window. It was obvious the man didn't trust the newcomer and frankly, the detective didn't trust him either. A sound reason for not meeting his suffocating gaze.

"What's your name?" The conductor suddenly began, an indirect invitation for the cowardly Yeosang to face him. He couldn't hide forever, not when the source of his uncomfortableness was standing a stride away and bathed in golden light.

"Kang Yeosang, sir." The other male responded, pulling his round eyes from the speckled window and throwing them over his shoulder. He shuddered at their inevitable meeting, still not used to the conductor's inhumanly intense gaze. 

"There's no need for formalities."

Yeosang nodded, his eyes wavering downward as a chasm form in his stomach. "And what's your name?" He dared to ask, hoping the hole in his torso wouldn't deepen at the response.

"Nothing of your concern. Carry on with what you've been calling me." The conductor reassured, making the detective bite the inside of his mouth. Yeosang expected this interaction to be one of give and take. Rather, he was doing all of the giving and none of the taking in return.

"Where are we going?" Yeosang continued, deciding not to press the previous question further and accidentally become a target of anger. He could already tell the conductor was short-wicked and maturely hardened, despite looking quite young.

"Back home." He bluntly stated.

"Did Sorin speak truthfully then?"

"Speak truthfully about what?"

"About your home. She told me it never rains where you live and that your days are bathed in sunlight."

"She isn't wrong, but that doesn't mean the rain and gloom have gone for good. We get the occasional rainy day and to your luck, tonight's one of them."

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