chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

"Maybe one of Klaus' hybrids survived and is messing with us?", I suggested. "Not possible. There were only 12 hybrids, besides Tyler, and we killed 12. We made sure of that before we burned the bodies", Stefan sighed from the opposite side of the Salvatores' lounge. "Isnt there something Bonnie can do?", Damon shrugged. He was sat beside me on the couch. "Maybe I could do a spell to see if the paper has any sort of memory of who has touched it... If you know what I mean. But thats it really", Bonnie was sitting on the floor by the fireplace and she seemed to basically think 'whats the point?'. Honestly, I had no clue what was up with her lately but she seemed like she'd given up on life. "You know, Im just pissed because everything's been perfect since the BRILLIANT Elena put an end to that dick! Well with the help of the wonderful Bonnie's magic of course... But now...", I burried my head in my hands. "... And now its like he's still here", Jeremy added for me. "Exactly", I concluded. After a moment, I shrugged as if to say 'well what else is there to it?'. We ended our meeting and went off home. I was last to leave, as usual, and I pulled Damon outside with me. "Come over to mines tonight. I really just dont want to be on my own", I whispered. "Of course. I'll wait outside until I hear your parents are asleep and I'll come in through the window", he smiled. "Okay. Then head over at 11ish because I'll be in bed by then". I gave my beautiful Damon a kiss before going home to bed.

I pottered around my room until Damon arrived at my home. There was no way Id be able to sleep until he came, not after the freaky note from 'K'. At around 3am I leapt out of my skin when there was a knock at the window. I must of forgotten to unlock it. I darted over and looked onto my front lawn where Damon was standing with a dirt clott, ready to throw to get my attention, incase I hadnt heard the first time I guess. I quickly unlocked the window, pushed it open and stepped back to allow him to enter. "Hey. Sorry if I scared you", he whispered. "Im fine", I replied. I clambered into bed and Damon followed after removing his jacket, shirt and boots.

I slept well until about 5am when my phone went. I had a text from a with-held number that read 'well isnt this cozy! But for how long?... What if dear Damon finds out about what REALLY happened at the Tyler Hilton concert?... --K'. Why was he threatening me like this? I had never really done anything to Klaus. I turned my phone off and went back to sleep. No point in staying awake worrying. I guess I could talk to the girls and explain how Tyler Hilton came onto me that night, show them the text and maybe they'd no what to do.

how we see it (sequel to 'how I see it') [PLL and TVD inspired]Where stories live. Discover now