chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

When I got home, Leo was watching a movie with his new friend Mike (who so happened to be Aria's little brother) and my mom was in the kitchen. "Make any new friends?", she asked.

"Yeah 4 of em'", I replied.

"Well Im proud of you. It cant be easy making friends so quick".

"Yeah well apparently making enemies is easier".

"Whats that supposed to mean?".

"It means I also made an enemy. Alison DiLaurentis to be precise".

"Oh... Well how did that happen?".

" I didnt even try. I just made friends with her friends and BAM!.. She hates me", I shrugged, "Im feeling kinda groggy still so Im gonna take a shower". I headed upstairs, grabbed clean clothes and went in the shower. Just as I got out, mom called upstairs to say she was taking Mike home and then taking Leo for ice-cream.

I walked into my room and tossed my hair into a scrunchie. When I looked outside, Damon was driving up. I darted downstairs to open the door.. "Damon!", I screeched, wrapping my arms round him.

Damon and I decided to go for a walk around town. We stopped for coffee and met Hanna and Spencer. "Hey",I grinned.

"Hey"', they replied.

"Damon this is Spencer and Hanna, Spencer and Hanna this is my boyfriend Damon from back home".

"Hi. so erm can we buy you guys a coffee? Our way of saying 'WELCOME TO ROSEWOOD'", Spencer smiled making quotation marks with her fingers when she said 'welcome'. Damon and I exchanged looks before he said "Sure! Why not?".

We chatted mostly about what Mystic Falls is like. " Whos that?", I asked as a girl with dark hair walked into the coffee shop as I noticed the girls tense up at the sight of her. The girl was blind and was wearing sunglasses and walking with none other than Toby Cavanaugh.

"Jenna Marshall. Tobys step sister", Emily shivered.

"Whats so bad about her?", I pondered.

"Well... Er, see we... er...", Spencer tried to explain.

"Is she just mean to you or?..", I questioned.

"I guess you could call it that... Its complicated". I nodded. Toby and Jenna stopped at the side of our table. "Marissa are you there?", She asked.


"Welcome to Rosewood... And a little piece of advice for you. Make sure you know what youre getting into before you become friends with the likes of Alison DiLaurentis. You dont know what shed capable of".

"Thanks Jenna but Alison and I arent friends. She doesnt like me for some reason... So I guess Ive got nothing to worry about".

"Well Ali and I never got on either and look where that got me... right Spence? Emily?.. My point is just stay away from her. Dont be her friend or her enemy". Toby tugged at Jenna's arm and led her out of the café. I let out a breate I didnt realise I was even holding. "Okay wht did she say 'Right Spence? Emily?', has something happened that youre not telling me?"...

how we see it (sequel to 'how I see it') [PLL and TVD inspired]Where stories live. Discover now