chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

"Here it is! Welcome to Rosewood!", my dad applauded excitedly upon approaching our new house. Unpacking didnt take long and we were settled by lunchtime (Its Friday, the following day. We stayed in a motel overnight on Thursday). "You ready for school honey? They said you can go in for a half day if youre up for it", my dad smiled from the doorway of 'my room'. I nodded.

"Oh my gosh Im so sorry!", I gasped. I picked the books up and handed them to the girl who's hands Id knocked them out of."Thanks", she smiled, "Im Aria. You're Marissa right? New girl". "Guilty as charged! Hey do you mind if I hang with you until I get used to the place?", I asked, hopeful. "Sure!". Aria and I walked into the cafeteria together. A table of girls simmultaniously spun round to face us. They all waved and beckoned Aria over. Aria gestured for me to follow. Reluctantly, I sat down at the table. "Guys this is Marissa. Shes new", Aria smiled happily. "Im Emily", said the girl beside me. She had almost black hair and dark brown eyes. "Spencer", said another with brown hair and brown eyes, slightly lighter than my own. "Hannah", said the third girl who had blonde wavy hair and blue eyes,.not unlike Damon's. And Aria also had brown hair and brown eyes but her skin was quite pale. "Not that you need me to tell you since everyone knows who I am... Im Alison", Clearly the queen bee. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hi", I smiled. "So, um, Aria... Im in Mr Fitz's English class... Whats he like?", I asked. "Why are you asking me?", She replied looking flustered... And guilty. "I was just asking you since I dont know the others as much yet... Well guys is he strict or?..", I noticed the rest of the girls were giving Aria the 'shut-up-are-you-a-complete-idiot' look but decided to ignore it. "Well yes, hes a great teacher. Young, VERY attractive and no hes not strict... But Aria knows him better than anyone", Alison sniggered. "Ali!', Spencer shot Alison a death glare, only to recieve an even deadlier look from Alison. Gosh, how are these lovely girls even friends with such a monster?" I wondered.

I gasped at how beautiful Mr Fitz was upon entering my English class. My reaction reminded me of the first time I saw Mr Saltzman (or Alaric as I now call him. We're buds now! Hes a vampire hunter though he only hunts vampires who hurt our little group) making me feel sad thinking about home again... "Hi", I smiled.

"Hi... Oh, Marissa right?", he replied. I nodded.

"So what brings you to Rosewood?".

"My dads working here for a year... We're moving back home this time next year".

"Cool. Whats your dad work as?".

"Hes an author".

"Wow. Well tell him Id love to meet him!", He smiled happily. "Ah! Here you go! We're studying this book at the moment". Mr Fitz handed me a copy of 'Romeo and Juliet' and I took my seat. "Im Toby. Toby Cavanaugh", whispered the boy beside me, holding out his hand. I shook it. "Marissa Lumsden", I replied.

At the end of the day, Emily, Hanna and I stood at my locker together chatting. When I opened my locker, a piece of paper fell out and floated to the ground. Emily picked it up and handed it to me. "An invitation to Noel Kahn's hallowe'en party?", I shrugged. "Figures... Only a newbie wouldnt know about Noel's annual party", Alison scoffed upon approaching us. "Please come! It'll be fun!", Hanna begged.."Fine! Oh its tomorrow night?.. Oh I actually....See my boyfriend from back home's coming...", I sighed. "So bring him with you!', Emily pleaded. "Okay! Okay!", I laughed.

how we see it (sequel to 'how I see it') [PLL and TVD inspired]Where stories live. Discover now