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karl was more than thrilled to walk into the guest bedroom and see his two best friends wrapped in each others arms. reyna had her arms around alex's neck, tangled in his hair. her face was tucked into the crook of his neck. alex had his arms around the small girl, holding her tightly. 

karl had to leave the room because he  was giggling so loud. he had a feeling that friends didn't cuddle like that.

there wasn't much he could make for breakfast, so he settled on some cereal. he hoped his friends would get up soon, since it was almost 2 in the afternoon. he didn't want to wake them, though, because if they were dating, he wanted them to tell him themselves.

luckily for him, alex went to the bathroom a few minutes later. karl approached him when he came out the door, toothbrush still in his mouth.

"you have to eat." karl reminds him, knowing that he forgets sometimes.

"i know, i'm waiting for reyna." alex says.

"oh, of course you are." karl giggles.

"what's this about my sexy ass?" reyna says from behind them, separating her curls with her fingers.

"oh, we were just waiting for you to wake up." alex says quickly, almost choking on toothpaste.

"well, i'm up. what's the plan for today?" she asks, moving past the boys to get to her makeup bag. she started her hair routine, since it was especially messy. 

"food first." karl says, pointing at the two of them before leaving to his room.

"you didn't eat yet?" reyna nudges the boy next to her. he shakes his head before spitting in the sink, rinsing his mouth out with water. 

"don't hit me!" alex laughs.

"oh shush." she smiles. "now leave unless you want to see me shower."

"well now that you bring it up-"

"alex you dumb motherfucker!" she pushes him out of the bathroom.

"so you're dating?" karl asked the boy sitting next to him on his couch. he had explained the situation to him, but he was still confused.

"no, we just said how we felt." alex fiddled with his hoodie.

"oh, so you're going to date?"  karl questioned.

"i don't know, what if she doesn't want a relationship?" alex worried.

"i don't think she would've let herself cuddle with you if she didn't want a relationship." karl points out.

"i don't know." alex sighs.

"i think you do. what are you so worried about?" karl was catching onto his bluff.

"i just think this whole thing is too good to be true. i mean, what's the the chance of someone like her going for someone like me?" alex brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"i'm waiting for you to realize you aren't as shitty as you think, but until then, you have a shot with this girl, who you're in love with. don't self sabotage it because you're afraid of past mistakes." karl tied his shoes.

before alex could reply, reyna came into the room. her hair was in near perfect curls, the stray pieces somehow making her look even better. 

"where are we even going?" she asked, jumping into her shoes.

"the mall." alex answered, the conversation he just had lingering in the back of his mind.

"don't you have some shitty party to go to later tonight?" reyna points out, pulling her baggy jeans up higher on her waist.

"oh shit, i forgot about that." karl sighed. he promised jimmy he would go to to an apparent big deal house party. he wasn't even sure of the reason why, he was pretty sure it was just a favor.

"great, that means i have to get a dress." reyna sighed. it wasn't that she hated dresses, it was the fact that she would have to go dress shopping with the two of them.

"please don't get us kicked out of the store." she adds. the three of them all went into karl's car, this time reyna sitting in the front, so she picked the music. alex took a video for his instagram page, saving it to his camera roll as well.

"what do you guys want to do first?" alex asked as they walked into the store.

"candle girl!" karl shouts, giggling. 

"okay, you two do that, i'm going to get an iced coffee." reyna decides.

"it's cold as balls out." alex says.

"and? what do you want me to drink? hot coffee?" she laughs, heading off to the nearest starbucks.

"you're so crazy for her." karl smiles at alex. 

"shut up." he pulls his beanie down to somehow cover his face.

eventually, the three came across a decent looking store. deciding to be quick, reyna bought a simple body con black dress. she didn't bother trying it on, because she didn't really care.

"do you want like, heels?" karl asked. he figured she would look nice in them and he wanted to be helpful.

"how fancy is this?" she asked. 

"i mean, it's not like a frat party. it's a bunch of rich people our age who like to show off how much money they have." karl explains.

"wait, what are you wearing?" alex asked. now he wasn't sure about what to wear.

"you dressed like a middle aged man, i don't know why you're worried." reyna jokes.

"what the fuck?" alex laughs.

"you can borrow something from me." karl says. "the dress you have is fine reyna, you'll fit in perfectly." karl reassures her.

"god, this is going to suck. does this mean we can't drink?" she asked. she legally could in mexico, but she wasn't old enough to in the us. 

"i don't think anyone is going to stop you." karl tells her.

"just, don't do anything too stupid." alex says to her. he knew she never got too drunk, but he couldn't trust other people to look out for her.

"you're the one with the tolerance of a fetus." she pushes him slightly.

"okay, calm down with the flirting so you can pay." karl laughs. "oh, get those heels too!" he points to a pair of a high black heel.

"i'm trying to be able to walk." reyna says. she had never worn heels before. she thought they looked nice, but had no idea how girls did it.

"c'mon, try it." karl tries to persuade her. 

"fine, fine." she sighs. "i'm going to break my ankles."

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