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never in my life did i think i'd play a drinking game with a bunch of minecraft youtubers, but here i am. the plan was simple enough, take a shot never have i ever. we weren't streaming it, because that would be so very stupid, but i was going to record it for my channel. 

it was going to be me, alex, fundy, and wilbur. i didn't know fundy too well, but i knew him well enough. wilbur had gotten drunk on stream before, and i admired how he did that and somehow didn't say something to get himself canceled.

i sat next to alex, we were both sitting together because it was just easier. he joined the discord call, making sure everyone was all good and showing their face.

"ayo!" i greet.

"hello reyna!" wilbur waves. fundy wasn't on screen. you could see his chair, but he was afk. we chatted as i opened the new bottle of tequila. fundy soon joined, and we got ready to start.

"okay, does anyone want to go first because i don't have any ideas." fundy says.

"never have i ever been a woman." alex shouts, standing up. i pull him back down to his chair and hit the back of his head. he laughs, and i feel a small smirk grow on my face.

"i'm just going to google some." wilbur begins typing. "okay, never have i ever been a virgin." 

"wait so take a shot if we haven't had the sex?" i ask. 

"yeah." wilbur says and i pass alex the bottle. everyone laughs but alex, who tries to keep a straight face but fails. 

"oh fuck you." he laughs. i take the bottle back and take a shot. everyone's silent for a moment, and i look at them weird.

"you're a-you're a virgin?" fundy asks in disbelief, making me laugh. 

"i was homeless, buddy." i explain. they knew, but i'm guessing they forgot. 

"wait but quackity didn't take a shot." wilbur laughs, and i gasp. 

"oh shut up." i laugh.

"okay, okay, never have i ever had a good relationship." wilbur reads. "well i think we'd all have to take a shot for that one." 

"aye!" alex and i cheer, taking a swig each. 

"never have i ever been happy!" fundy shouts before taking a shot immediately.

"oh my god." alex laughs. 

"aye!" i cheer again.

"never have i ever..."

te amo, bitch (QUACKITYHQ)Where stories live. Discover now