•+, Wilbur (Ghostbur)

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My Y/N, My finished symphony.
(so proud of that title ngl-)

[WORD COUNT:  1106]

(PROOFREAD kind of)

PLOT: During the second time of L'Manburg's destruction, Y/N was killed by Dream, taking her last life away. Ghostbur logged on to find her body.



I stood in front of Technoblade as he stared at me. I stared back at him. My eyes were filled with sorrow.

"Why? Why Technoblade?" I asked him, my voice sounding hurt. I was, in fact hurt. He flinched at my pained voice and looked away, breaking the eye contact.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but it had to be done. This country needed to be sent a message." He said. I shook my head.

"What message Techno..?! What message? There-There is no message in this.." I told him before running away. I looked around at the now destroyed L'Manburg. I felt a bit of pity for the land. It had gone through multiple rough patches. I didn't know where I was running but I was definitely going somewhere. I could still hear the TNT going off and the withers throwing its skulls in the mere distance. If only I knew running would somehow lead to my demise. I kept running until I tripped on a rock. I didn't bother getting up, I didn't have the strength.
"Come on Y/N get up! Stop fucking crying!" I told myself. I could feel someones eyes on me and felt a pit tie in my stomach. I kept thinking about how and why Phil and Techno would do this. They were both an important figure to me. Phil being a fatherly figure, Techno being a brother. I looked behind me and saw a bright green figure. I brushed it off as my vision was clouded my tears. Oh naive, naive me. You should've run away from that spot when you had the chance. Suddenly, I had felt an arrow pierce into the back of my head. I could feel the blood dripping down the back of my neck, staining my sweater. I fell back whoozily, feeling the arrow dig more and more into my skull. Everything had gone black and numb.


As the TNT dropped in massive amounts, I see Y/N confronting Technoblade. She was probabky asking about why. I sigh. Such a naive girl. Weak considering her age. I see her run away and jump down from the obsidian platform. I look around to make sure Technoblade didn't see me. He was only an obsticle that needed to be solved. I stealthily ran after Y/N, following behind her. So naive. She kept running until she had tripped on a rock -- Pathetic really -- . She didn't seem to get up, only sitting there crying. Weak, feeble little Y/N. She was the easier obsticle. I smirk as I realize this would be a great window of opportunity to get rid of her. She's like trash on the ground that needs to be thrown away. I started to set up my crossbow. I put the arrows in and carefully took the poison out of my pocket. I cautiously started to pour poison on the tip of the arrow. I closed the poison and put it aside. I lined up the crosshairs to the back of her head. I felt my grin getting wider. I pulled the trigger on my crossbow and smiled as the arrow pierced her skull. The sound of the poison spreading and her blood pouring. A wonderful sight to behold. She fell back, making the arrow go through her skull. At that point, I knew she died. I grinned and walked over to her body. I stood over it. Her blood was staining her sweater that Wilbur had given to her.

"Ah, It's such a shame you had to die. If only you were to join our side. Alas, you were just an obsticle, someone in the way. A burden. Goodbye darling, enjoy hell and rest well my dear." I said to her dead body before walking away pridefully.

I logged onto the server to check the sewer and a few things were missing. I didn't question it and went to look for the sewer. As I walked down the path, I saw that everything had been exploded. I was speechless at the sight. The first thing that my mind had gone to was Y/N. My best friend. What if she was hurt? What if she died? She was on her last life...

I heard Tommy and Tubbo talking.

"- It's.. It's gone Tubbo." Tommy said upsettingly. Tubbo frowned.

"Uhm, wh.. What happened to L'Manburg Tommy..?" I asked him, concerned. Tommy looked at Tubbo who looked at me. Tubbo sighed silently.

"Well.. Techno and Phil kinda uh- Blew up L'Manburg as a 'Message' to us.." Tubbo told me. I started to get worried.

"Well- Have you at least seen Y/N..?" I questioned, my voice quiet. They both looked a bit guilty and their eyes were filled with bits of.. regret?

"Uh- We had to check on the citizens of L'Manburg?" Tubbo made up an excuse, sounding more like a question.

"Y/N was a citizen of L'Manburg! Yet you didn't check on her!" I yelled, my voice cracking. "Do you at least know which.. Direction she went or where you last saw her?"

They both pointed to the northwest, I looked in that direction before running off there. I ran until I found a hill. It was a bit steep but I climbed up there. I saw a crossbow and a small bottle of poison. I suddenly felt a pit form in my stomach. I looked beyond the hill and saw a silohette of a body. I repeated prayers in my head that it wasn't Y/N's. I felt my heart shatter physically as I saw whos body it was.

"Nononononono- This isn't true, This isn't true.." I said to no one in particular while running towards her body. I looked down at her still, dead body. Her hair was messy, some strands had blood in them. Dark, thick blood pooled underneath her body. Her lifeless, desaturated e/c eyes, and her face had dried tears on it. I leaned down next her body and grabbed her hand. I took her hand and held it near my face. Tears also started to fall on my ghostly skin.

"Oh Y/N.. Who? And-And why?" I spoke shakily. I held her hand still as I took some blue out of my pocket. I placed the blue next her and in the pockets of her sweater. I sobbed next to her body, humming the L'Manburg anthem quietly.

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