•+, Tubbo

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𝗣𝗟𝗢𝗧: For Tubbo's birthday, you took him to a bee farm.



"Hey tubbo."


"So you like bees right?"

"Yeah! They're super cute."

"Okay, so, what if, I took you to a bee farm for your birthday?"

"*happy tubbo noises* You would do that?"


"*more happy tubbo noises*"


"Toby I swear if you take off that blindfold, i'm not playing minecraft you."

"Jeez okay okay! I won't take off the blindfold."

I took his hand to lead him into the field because he had no idea where he was going, as he was currently blindfolded. Not like that you nasty idiot. I asked him if he wanted to go to a bee farm, in real life. Well, I didn't really ask-

"Y/N my feet hurt-" He complained.

"Oh hush, we're almost there. You better enjoy this otherwise I paid 50$ for nothing." I replied with a playfully annoyed tone. You can tell I was smiling though.

{ 5 minutes later- }

"Okay, take off your blindfold now!" I told him quite excitedly. I watched him as he took off a red cloth off his eyes. He looked amazed.

"You actually took me to a bee farm.. You actually took me to a bee farm!" He shouted. I laughed softly.

"Yes! Yes I did!" I told him. "We have to get in the beekeeper suits first, unless you wanna get stung." I joked. He nodded eagerly as we followed the person-


Tubbo plopped on his bed. He was worn out from screaming all day like Tommy. He was super excited and it was adorable.

"Thank you Y/N for taking me to the farm, I enjoyed it a lot. More than a lot actually." He told me sleepily but gratefully. I just smiled in response.

Not me writing this at 4am-

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Not me writing this at 4am-

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