Uhhhhhh... NANI?!?!?!?

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Here I am... sitting on my bed, eating chili for dinner. I have been paying very close attention to the amount of readers... why?! There are over 26.7 THOUSAND reads! Thank you all for reading this, in my opinion, trash attempt at a story. I am honestly amazed that soooo many people like this... I am confused. This was one of my first stories I made... I think it's time for me to make a story that *breathes in deeply* involves mass amounts of Class 1-A Crackhead energy. I think I need help... mentally that is. Oh well. You can't break what's already broken. In my case, my sanity... Ha! Like I have any of that... how to phrase... normality. I hope you all are well. Anyways, this is brought to you by Insanity Inc. Where the insane are the sane ones! Break a leg everyone! Wait... Izuku already did that... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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