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It's been several days since Izuku's return to Japan. In that time, his return has been kept secret from the rest of the school, as well as his association with the Yonko. He is currntly sitting on the roof of UA, thinking.

"I wonder if i'm related to anyone else?" Izuku thought out loud. Then, his observation haki flared up. Looking around he noticed Nezu at the door to the roof. "Oh, it's just you, Nezu. WHat can I help you with?" He asked.

"I was curious as to why you spend all your time here." Nezu said.

"Just thinking..." Izuku said, a sad smile on his face.

"Oh? Is it about your family?" Nezu asked.

"Yes, in part." Izuku replied. "I was wondering who else I might be related to who could be alive, as well as my family tree."

"I see. Maybe Recovery Girl can help with that." Nezu said. He was now interested in finding out more about Izuku.

"Alright, what are we waiting for." Izuku said, slowly getting up.

Izuku and Nezu then both made their way through the maze of hallways to the Nurses office. They then arrived after a short walk.

"Shall we?" Nezu asked.

"Indeed." Izuku said.


Izuku knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A voice said from within.

Nezu and Izuku then entered.

"Oh! Hello Nezu, and who is this?" Recovery Girl said.

"This is Midoriya Izuku, if you remember him." Nezu said.

"Wait... you mean?" Recovery Girl said.

"Yes, it's me." Izuku said.

"Well, you look different!" She said. "You've grown quite a bit, and your hair isn't as messy. I hardly recognize you."

"Well, that's what happens when you live in the New World for a time." Izuku said.

"Nezu, explain." Recovery Girl said.

[One explanation later]

"Hmmm. I see." Recovery Girl said. "Well, let's get this test done, shall we?"

"Thank you." Izuku said.

"Don't thank me yet." Recovery Girl said.

Recovery Girl then produced a small syringe, which she stabbed into his arm. After removing a good amount of blood, she removed the syringe, swabbed his arm to disinfect the spot she stabbed him, and went to work. After a few minutes she came back with the results.

"Well, this is interesting." Recovery Girl said.

"Oh?" Nezu said intrigued.

"What's the matter?" Izuku asked.

"Well, it appears you don't have any living relatives..." Recovery Girl said. "However, it appears you are related to the Pirate king, Gol D. Roger, by blood. It says you have the middle initial D. on your birth certificate." She said.

"I see." Izuku said. Then he smiled. "Than you Recovery Girl. This is quite a discovery for me." Izuku thanked her.

"It's no problem, dearie." Recovery Girl said. "Now, when are you going to continue school?" She asked.

"Soon." Is all Izuku said.

'Heh I can't wait to see the expressions on their faces.' Nezu thought.

[Well, I'm done with another chapter! Hope you all enjoyed it. Anyways, I'll see you all later, Ciao!]

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