Beginning Chaos

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The school year started out in an interesting fashion. Izuku's teaching was going well. However, things were about to change...

It's been several weeks, and each night Izuku had the same dream. His past classmates betrayal still hung around as a reminder of where he'd come from.

As Izuku woke up, he could smell smoke. Jumping out of bed, he got dressed quickly. Grabbing his sword, pistol and devil fruit, izuku ran out of his room. Immediately, he was surrounded by flames.

"What the hell!" Izuku shouted. He made his way through the burning building, careful to dodge falling debris. Once outside, he was greeted by an unwelcome sight.

"Endeavor! What in the blue blazes are you doing!"Izuku shouted angrily.

"Simple. I'm eradicating a threat." Endeavor said.

This made Izuku very angry. He used his conqueror's haki on Endeavor, and the other heroes in the vicinity, knocking them out.

Then, after that was done, Izuku ran. He made his way to the harbor, where he had a ship waiting. It was made for this occasion.

Once he had arrived, he ran up the gangplank, and started to make ready to sail. As he was getting ready to lower the sail, he heard shouting coming from some of the buildings along the wharf.

"Find him, quickly!"

"Where is he?!"

"He'll pay!"

"Damn! They arrived too quickly!" Izuku muttered. "Looks like I have no choice."

Izuku managed to lower the sail, and was gliding out from the dock.

"He's here!" A voice shouted from the wharf.

After that, gunshots were heard, as they fired at Izuku.

"Someone with a water quirk, go get him!"

"Heh." Izuku smiled evilly. "It's time." 

Izuku made his way to the back of his vessel, and started to throw barrels into the water.

A hero came through the water quickly making progress on the small ship. Once they arrived at the barrels...

"BANG!" A gunshot...

"BOOOOOOMMMMMMM!" An explosion.

The hero in the water was injured from the explosion, barely conscious as they floated in the water.

Izuku then went to his snail to make a call.

"It rang for a few seconds then...

"Hello?" A gruff voice said.

"Hey, Kaido." Izuku said.

"Izuku? Why are you calling me?" Kaido asked.

"The heroes are trying to kill me. I'm currently heading out from Japan. I think it's time... though I did not expect for this to happen." Izuku said, angry at the days happenings so far.

"I see. So... plan delta?" Kaido said.

"Indeed. Let Linlin know. It's time." Izuku stated.

"Will do. See you soon, at the rendezvous." Kaido said, then hung up.

"It's time for the world to see something truly scary." Izuku said. 

 [Heyo! Here's a new chapter!I hope that this one is a bit better than the last, despite being shorter. Anyways, until next time, Ciao!]

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