New World

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It's been several days since Izuku and AFO escaped. In that time, there had been searches, but they yielded no results. Little did the heroes know, their progress was being monitored.

[Whole Cake Island, New World]

"Mamama mama! How splendid of you to join us here, All For One!" A giant lady, known as Big Mom, said.

"Mamama mama! How splendid of you to join us here, All For One!" A giant lady, known as Big Mom, said

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"The pleasures ours, Linlin." AFO said. "I came to see if you could test my son's will power."

"Oh? And who is your son?" Big Mom asked.

"That would be me." Izuku said, his hands in his pockets.

"You're the one the news is all upset about, are you not?" Big Mom asked.

"Indeed. I was betrayed. But enough of that. It's a pleasure to meet one of the Yonko." Izuku said.

"The pleasures mine." Big Mom said, smiling. "Now..." She said staring at Izuku."...Life... or Treat?"

The air around them became heavy, almost oppressive, but Izuku stood strong.

"Life!" Izuku stated.


"Mamama mama! How interesting! You are not afraid of me?" Big Mom said.

"That is correct. After all, I've faced death so many times, why should I be afraid of one who's alive?" Izuku said.

"I see why you brought him." Big Mom said, turning to AFO. "He is strong. Too strong, maybe."

"Hmmm. We shall have to see how he fairs with Kaido, then." AFO said.

"Hmm. Indeed." Big Mom said, frowning.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to him?" AFO asked.

"No... But, he's currently on his way here." Big Mom said. "You can wait here for him, if you like." 

"Thank you. We shall take you up on that offer." AFO said.

Then, the ground started shaking, almost rhythmically. 

"It seems... he's already here." Big Mom said, looking at the door.

The door opened slowly, revealing a huge man, with horns. This man, is Kaido.

"Hello, Kaido." AFO said.

"All For One. So, the news was actually accurate, for once." Kaido said.  

"Yes. Now, I would like you to test your conqueror's haki on Izuku." AFO said.

"Won't that kill him?" Big Mom said, concerned.

"Not if he's strong enough." AFO said.

"Fine." Kaido said.

Kaido then glared at Izuku, an intense aura coming of him in waves. Izuku could do nothing but stand still until it was over. Then, Kaido stopped.

"Heh. I like this kid." Kaido said, smiling.

"That's not possible..." Big Mom said.

"Why?" Izuku asked.

"All three of us used our haki at the same time. It should have killed you, or at least knocked you out." AFO said, grinning madly.

"Mamama mama! To think someone has a tolerance to Haki, that is higher than anything we've seen." Big Mom mused.

"Indeed." Kaido said. "I say we train him."

"I agree." Big Mom said.

"Very well. Izuku, I'll be leaving you now. I don't want to be a bother. Just know, whatever path you choose, I'll support your decision." AFO said, as he started to leave the room.

"Thank you, father." Izuku said. "Now look out New World! Here I come!"

[Well! How about that! Hope you all enjoy reading this! Until we meet again... Ciao!]

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