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Izuku woke up after a good night's sleep. He felt refreshed, and couldn't wait to see his friends! He got out of bed, and got dressed in his school uniform. Then, he proceeded to go downstairs into the main lobby.

"Strange. there's no one here." Izuku said as he looked around. "Maybe they already went to class."

Izuku headed out of the dorms. On the way he encountered no one, for some odd reason.

'There's usually more people out.' Izuku thought.

Soon enough, he had arrived at his classroom, 1A.

Izuku opened the door to the classroom, only to be enveloped in Aizawa's capture gear. Looking in, Izuku saw his class glaring daggers at him.

"Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa said. "You are under arrest for stealing information about people's quirks." 

"Wait... WHAT?! I didn't do that!" Izuku couldn't believe his ears.

"Shut it, traitor!" The class yelled at him.

Izuku was shocked. Here, his caring friends, were calling him traitor for something he did not do.

"I'll be back. Until then, look over your lesson." AIzawa said.

Aizawa then walked out the door, with Izuku in tow. After a few minutes of walking, Aizawa spoke up.

"I'm sorry about that, Midoriya. I don't believe that you're the culprit." Aizawa stated.

"Thank you." Izuku said, then proceeded to remain silent.

They arrived outside, soon thereafter. Waiting for them, was Nezu... and All Might.

All Might walked over to Izuku, and plucked one of his hairs.

"I am taking back what is mine." All Might said. Then, he walked away.

Izuku was shocked, and on the verge of tears. Then, Nezu spoke up.

"You are going to be sent to Tartarus, the maximum security prison." Nezu said.

"Fine." Izuku said angrily. He was fed up with this. He felt an emotion he had yet to feel... Wrath. The pure unadulterated anger within him, finally broke free. "But when I'm proven innocent, don't expect me to be so forgiving." He said. "Aizawa, thank you."

Izuku was then ushered into a plane, to be taken to Tartarus.

'I'm sorry... Izuku.' Aizawa thought, as he watched the plane disappear into the distance.

[1 hour later]

Izuku had just arrived at Tartarus. THe guards had ushered him in, and placed him in a cell... across from All For One.

"Hmm? Who's there? A new inmate?" The previous villain said.

"Hello there." Izuku said, angrily.

"Oh! Is that you, hero? What did they do to send you here?" AFO asked, confused.

"I was called a traitor. They said I stole information, that I already had." Izuku said.

"I see. What will you do?" AFO asked.

"I'll make them pay. But first, I'll need to leave here." Izuku said.

"I might be able to help." AFO said. "Oh, but where are my manners. What is your name?"

"Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said.

"Wait... Are you... Inko's son?" AFO asked.

"Yeah, why?" Izuku asked, confused.

"That would make me... your father..." AFO said, hesitating.

"Heh. I could care less if your a hero or villain at this point." Izuku said, smiling.

"Oh? Why is that?" AFO asked, intrigued.

"Give me a moment." Izuku said.

"Alright." AFO said. He listened, and heard the sound of a grate being moved. Then, the power went out! 'I see now. Heh, smart.' AFO thought. He could feel his power returning, as his quirks came back.

"There. All done. Now, shall we leave, father?" Izuku asked.

"Hahhahahaha! Why yes! Yes we shall!" AFO said. He burst free from his restraints, then proceeded to free Izuku. "Why didn't you free yourself, if you have All Might's quirk?" AFO asked.

"He took it back, saying it was his." Izuku said, fuming.

"It was never his to begin with. No matter, let us leave." AFO said. he proceeded to smash through the ceiling. 

The news that night said that All For One, and Izuku had escaped. This scared many heroes, and concerned others. What lies in store for Izuku. Keep reading to find out!

[Welp! First chapter done. I know there isn't any one piece... yet. But there will be in the next chapter. Anyways, until next time, Ciao!] 

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