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Class 1A is now class 2A. The new school year is just beginning, and everyone is excited!

[UA - Principals office]

"Alright. It seems that everything is in order, Izuku." Nezu said. "I hope you the best of luck in your endeavor."

"Thank you, Nezu." Izuku said. "Now, Mr.Aizawa. Is everything prepared?"

"Yes, everything is." Aizawa said with his shit eating grin. He couldn't wait to see their reactions, and neither could Nezu.

"Alright. I'm off." Izuku said. "Time to teach those brats a lesson."

He then left the office, and made his way to the classroom.

"Your old class is going to need a lot of work. I think he can handle it." Nezu said smirking.

"I think so too." Aizawa said. "Well, better go make sure he doesn't kill some of them."

Aizawa then left the office, following after Izuku.

[Class 2A]

The students were chatting, and idly sitting by, waiting for their teacher.

"I wonder who it's going to be? Kerro." Asui said.

"It's probably going to be Mr.Aizawa again." Sero said.

"Yeah. I agree." Ochako said.

Then, the door opened.

"Alright class. Settle down." A strange looking person said, as they walked in.

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" Bakugo said, confused. The entire class felt the same.

"He is UA's Newest teacher. Treat him with respect." Aizawa said, as he entered the room.

"Thank you, Mr.Aizawa." The person said. "Now, allow me to properly introduce myself." They said. This earned many excited looks from some of the students.

"My name is Izuku D. Midoriya." Izuku said.


"What... the actual... fuck?" Bakugo said. He was shocked, if not more so then the rest of his class.

"I can explain, and take all class, or Aizawa can, and be brief. The choice is yours." Izuku said.

"Aizawa!" The class yelled.

"Sigh. Fine." Aizawa said.

[One explanation later]

"So, your saying Izuku, who was a traitor, and was really innocent, went to jail, where he met his father, All For One, who's now dead, escaped, went to the New World to train with two of the Yonko, came back, and is now our teacher?" Momo said. "Does that sum it up?"

"Yes, it does." Aizawa said. "Treat him with respect, He has more authority than anyone in the government currently."

This shocked the class even more.

"Now, let's head out to the field to see how you've progressed. Wear your hero outfits." Izuku said, smiling.

'We're screwed!' The class thought. Then, they went out to the field, after getting changed.

"So, allow me to explain the exercise-" Izuku was saying before being interrupted by his snail.

"Ring, ring..." the snail went.

"Hello?" Izuku said, causing the class to sweatdrop.

"Mamama mama! Is it true, Izuku?" Big Mom could be heard from the snail. "Are you really teaching those brats?"

"Indeed, Linlin. I'm going to raise all hell by the time i'm done." Izuku said.

"You better." Kaido said from the other end of the snail.

"Oh? Kaido, good to hear from you." izku said.

"Likewise. Now, go give them hell!" Kaido said. The snail line then went silent.

"Hmm. He hung up." Izuku said.

The class fell, classic anime style.

"Well, let the hell begin!" Izuku said, turning to the class tho see him grinning evilly.

'We're so dead' The class thought.

[A/N I'm not going into the exercise into too much detail. Let's just say the class had to fight Izuku, and had their asses handed to them.]

Once the exercise was finished, the teachers that had come out to watch were shocked. Then, Nezu came up, laughing lake a lunatic.

"That's what they get." Nezu said. "They just went up against someone who was trained by two Yonko!" He said, laughing maniacally. 

This caused some of the other teachers to look at Izuku, who hadn't broken a sweat, to think. 'What hell had he gone through in the training to beat Class 2A so easily.'

At the end of the day, some of the traitors from Class 2A came forward, and apologized. Izuku thanked them for apologizing, and forgave them.

So, begins the new year at UA.

[Heyo! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Anyways, comments are always welcome. So, until next time, Ciao!]

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