Into Darkness

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[Heyo! Just checkin' in with all you readers! Honestly, I'm surprised. I never expected this story to be so popular. So, thank you to all of you wonderful readers! Anyways, two chapters in one day? Heh, I'll be damned if I let a chance like this go. I'm surprisingly inspired today, sooo... Let's begin!]

[10:30 pm, Somewhere in the Pacific]

Izuku had just managed to escape the heroes. Currently he's at an island that isn't on any charts. It can only be found by those who already know where it is. This is the rendezvous.

Izuku can be seen standing at the top of a cliff, watching, waiting. He knows it will take a little while for Kaido and Linlin to arrive, but he wants to be sure he wasn't followed. Then, hearing footsteps, Izuku turned around. He expected it to be Kaido, or maybe Linlin, but not him.

"Zehahahaha!" The man laughed. He was tall, a bit fat, and had a ridiculous, curly, black beard. "So, what do we have here, eh?"

 "So, what do we have here, eh?"

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"Hello there... Teach." Izuku said. He was wary, and with good reason. Blackbeard, AKA Marshal D. Teach, was notorious for being the most ruthless of the Yonko.

"Oh? And who are you?" Blackbeard asked.

"My name, is Izuku D. Midoriya." Izuku said.

"Zehahahaha. Nice to meet you kid. Now, why are you here?" Blackbeard asked menacingly. 

"I'm waiting..." Izuku said, turning back to look at the sea.

"Hm? For who or what, if I may ask?" Blackbeard asked.

"I'm waiting for Kaido, and Linlin..." Is all Izuku said.

"Wait, you know those two? They are part of the Yonko. You know that, right?" Blackbeard asked, surprised.

"Yes. They are my mentors, and allies." Izuku said. "And don't try to do anything funny, Teach. This is our rendezvous, so no fighting... yet." 

"Zehahaha. Fine." Teach said. "But, why are you waiting for them?"

"I'm going to show the world just what it means to be a Pirate." Izuku said. "Ah, here they come..."

Big Mom's ship could be seen coming from the East side of the Island.

Big Mom's ship could be seen coming from the East side of the Island

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And Kaido was flying in from the sky, in his Dragon form.

And Kaido was flying in from the sky, in his Dragon form

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[A half hour later]

Big Mom and Kaido have just arrived, and are making their way to where Izuku is. Once they arrive, they see he is accompanied by Blackbeard.

"Mamama mama! Izuku, do you know who you're with?" Linlin asked nervously.

"Yes, and I have made a deal with him." Izuku said.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Kaido asked.

"He'll help us. And all he wants is diplomatic immunity for when I conquer Japan." Izuku said.

"If that's all, than fine." kaido said.

"I agree with Kaido." Big Mom said. "Now, what's the plan?"

"The plan is to  attack japan from four sides." Izuku said. "Blackbeard from the West, Big Mom from the East, Kaido from the South, and I come from the North."

"Sounds like a good strategy, but where will your strength be in this?"  Kaido asked Izuku.

"Do you remember what you both gave me when I left?" Izuku asked Big Mom.

"yes... Oh! Big Mom realized what was happening.

"What?" Blackbeard asked.

"Big mom gifted me with a Devil fruit. I think it's time for me to eat it." Izuku explained.

"Heh. Let's see what it does." Kaido said.

Izuku nodded, then ate the Devil fruit. At first nothing. Then, izuku fell to his knees, holding his chest.

The three Yonko looked at him in concern. "Are you alright?" Big Mom asked, after Izuku had stopped shaking.

"Yes. Better than ever." Izuku said. "I won't go into detail what my Devil fruit ability is, but watch this."

Izuku stretched out his hand towards the sea. At first there wasn't anything, then a ship came crashing from the depths. One after another surfaced, until there were about fifty ships. But that wasn't all. The ships were crewed... by skeletons.

The Yonko were shocked. This power could rival theirs!

"So, what are you going to call it? Kaido asked.

"I'll call my fruit, the Living death fruit." Izuku said. "It's time. Let's go plunge the world into chaos. Into Darkness!"

"Into darkness!" The Yonko shouted.

'Watch out Japan. Your challenge has only begun...' Izuku thought, grinning wickedly.

[And so it begins. Heyo! Hope that you enjoyed this chapter! It was interesting to write, despite it being kind of dark. Anyways, until next time, Ciao!]

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