Final battle?

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[Heyo! I'm back to this story! Surprisingly, I couldn't wait to continue it. Hope that you all enjoy this chapter!]

At the Hero HQ, the heroes have been discussing the turn of events that have been taking place. They are trying to figure out their next steps when a messenger comes running into the Meeting Hall.

"Sir! They're on the move!" The messenger said, scared.

"Who's on the move?!" Some of the heroes asked anxiously.

"The Yonko. Not Only Big Mom, or Kaido, but both of them and Blackbeard." The messenger said.

The heroes were speechless. Three of the worlds strongest navies were on the move.

"And where are they heading?" The Minister of Heroes asked.

"Sir... They're coming to Japan." Was all the messenger said before another came running in.

"Sir! A strange fleet of vessels have arrived at the northern shore of Japan!" They said.

"Send as many heroes as you can to defend the shores! We'll call more in from around the globe!" The Minister said.

"Right!" The heroes shouted in agreement.

[Northern Shores of Japan]

A fleet of 50 ships could be seen riding at anchor.

A fleet of 50 ships could be seen riding at anchor

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There were 15 Galleons...

There were 15 Galleons

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And 35 Sloops. All of them crewed by skeletons, loyal to their master.

"Ha ha ha! Let's see what they can throw at me!" Izuku shouted, laughing like a madman. "Turn your cannons to shore, and prepare for battle." He commanded. 

The skeletons wet about their work, making clacking and hissing sounds. Oddly enough, Izuku understood what they were saying.

[2 hours later]

There was an army of skeletons on the shore, walking around and doing patrols. Then there were the ships. They were fully manned, and ready for a fight.

The Betrayed Hero Turns A Notorious Pirate/YonkoWhere stories live. Discover now