Returning Chaos

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[Note: This takes place 10 months after the last chapter. Enjoy!]

It's been 10 long months of training. Izuku has become much more proficient in his use of Haki, as well as his use of weapons. He's also grown taller, being around 5'9" now. Currently he's meeting with kaido and Big Mom.

"Well, you've come far these past 10 months, kid." Kaido said. "I'm impressed."

"Mamama mama! Indeed!" Big Mom agreed. "We figured that we've taught you all we know, and wanted to know your plans."

"Well, I was thinking of returning to Japan." Izuku said. "After that? Well, we'll see what happens."

"I see. Well allow us to offer you our support if you ever need it." Kaido said. "And as a gift from me, here." He said, handing Izuku a box. "Go ahead and open it."

"Thank you, Kaido." Izuku said. He then opened the box. Within the box was a saber, and a pistol. They both had some ornate designs on them, but nothing too flashy. Izuku looked at Kaido and smiled. He was thankful to his teacher.

"Mamam mama! Don't think you're the only one, Kaido!" Big Mom said smiling. "Here you go." Big Mom handed Izuku a smaller package.

"Thank you, Big Mom." Izuku said.

"No problem, and call me Linlin from now on. We're allies now, after all." Big Mom said.

"Very well. Thank you, Linlin." Izuu said. He then opened the parcel to see... a strange fruit?

"That is a devil fruit, Izuku." Big Mom said. "We just discovered it, and have no idea what it does. We decided to give it to you, to make your own. Call it what you want, it's yours now." She said, smiling.

"My thanks, and gratitude, to both of you." Izuku said bowing.

"Heh, no problem." Kaido said.

"You're very welcome." Big Mom said.

"Now, how will I return to Japan?" Izuku asked.

"I can help with that." A voice said, behind izuku.

"Ah, Bartholomew Kuma." Big Mom said. "Welcome."

Kuma nodded to her, then walked over to Izuku.

"Where would you like me to send you?" Kuma said.

"Back to my land of origin, Japan." Izuku said.

"Very well. Any last words before you go?" Kuma asked.

"Yes. Thank you for helping me become stronger these past 10 months." Izuku said.

"You're welcome." Big Mom and Kaido said.

"Well, I'm off then." Izuku said, picking up his things.

Kuma then went and slapped Izuku away.

"I'll miss the boy." Big Mom said.

"Yeah." Kaido said. "But I have a feeling we'll see more of him later on." 

[UA, Japan]

Izuku has since been declared innocent. Many heroes were looking for him, but to no avail.

In UA's teachers lounge, All Mightt, Nezu, and Aizawa were sitting, trying to figure out what to do, when...

"BOOOOOOMMMM!" The building shook.

"What was that?!" All might said.

"We won't know unless we look." Aizawa said.

The three of them then went to see what the cause of the noise was. When they arrived outside, at the gates, they were astounded.

There stood Izuku, in all his glory.

"Well, I did not expect that..." Izuku said. Then, he looked at the three heroes, and his gaze darkened. "What do you want?" He said.

"We're sorry about the false accusations, Midoriya." All Might said.

"That's fine and all, but do you know what happened to my mother?" Izuku said.

"No... what?" Aizawa asked.

"Why don't you ask Endeavor. He killed her, or rather had her assassinated." IZuku said.

"Is this true?" Aizawa said.

"Sigh... yes, it is." Nezu said. 

"Hmmm. Well, at least my father's alive." Izuku said.

"Who's your father?" Aizawa asked.

"All For One." Izuku said.

This shocked the teachers. Then, nezu spoke up.

"I'm sorry to say this, but... AFO is dead." Nezu said nervously.

"Sigh... damn it all to hell." Izuku said. he was sad. He had no other family... unless... "Big Mom, Kaido... You are more than enough to be called family by me." Izuku said, smiling softly.

"D-did you just say, Kaido and Big Mom!" Nezu asked.

"Yes. They've been training me the past 10 months, why?" Izuku said annoyed.

"You do realize who they are right?" Aizawa said.

"Yes. They are my allies." Izuku said.

This caused the teachers to panic, and with good reason. Anyone who was connected to any Yonko were to be left alone. But here stood someone not one, but two yonko had trained! Well, let's just say, they were screwed.

[Hey! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time, Ciao!]

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