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Hello, to all you readers! I am going to be taking a break from this story, for a little while. The reason behind this is that I have several ideas going through my mind.

On another note, I would like to give a shoutout to @TomTheHero for helping me decide what the new name for the story was going to be called!

One last thing before I go! I will be accepting the use of Two (2) Original Characters (OC's)(though that may change to more), in  this story. All I ask is that they not be OP. Other than that, it's up for you to decide. I'll wait about a week, maybe less or more depending on my writing habits, to announce the results. I apologize if this is too soon for you all. If that time frame isn't suitable, please let me know.

Anyways, I hope that you all are having a great day/night wherever you are. Ciao!

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