Henry hart x reader

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Readers POV:
I woke up in the best mood only for it to get ruined after like an hour of being awake, But I'm just getting ahead of myself let's begin.
Hi I'm y/n  y/l/n , I was adopted by my new family about four years ago, I have a sister named Charlotte, and I have been dating my best friend Henry Hart for a year. Today was our anniversary but Henry forgot about it.

—-earlier in the day—-
I walked in to the school with my adoptive sister Charlotte and immediately went to find my boyfriend so I can say good morning, as I always do, but today's good morning was special because it's our one year anniversary.
Once I got to Henry's locker I snuck up on him and hugged him, then I gave him the anniversary gift I got him which was his favorite candy as well as a new hoodie, when he opened the gift he turned around and looked at me dead in the eyes
"Thanks for the gift y/nn (your nickname) but what's it for?"
As soon as those words came out of his mouth I knew he forgot because, although I love the dork, hen cannot lie without seeming all goofy and obvious.
"Hen are you serious? You don't remember?" I asked before running off to the bathroom.
Eventually my sister had to come drag me out of the bathroom and to class because she didn't want me to get in trouble. "Come on y/n, you have to go to class."
"Char I can't. Henry is in ALL of my classes, and I can't face him right now."
"Y/nn I'm in all of your classes too so try to focus on that and ignore him for now but we have to go to class. So come on let's go"
Of course I gave in and went to class with char but I can't just ignore Henry no matter how hard I try.
"Y/nn you can't just ignore me all day. I'm sorry."
I ignored Henry's attempt at talking to me.
"Y/nn please talk to me."
He tried again, only to be ignored.
"Y/n please."
He just won't give up will he?
"Y/n please I'm sorry that I forgot our anniversary I just had a lot on my mind. Please, please talk to me."
I cave and say " fine hen then what was so important that made you forget our one year anniversary?"
"If you really want to know, I was to busy thinking about if it was the right time for me to finally say something."
"Hen your going to have to be more specific than that."
"Fine y/nn I was thinking about how much I wanted to tell you that I- i- I love you."
Oh. My. God.
"Hen did you just say you loved me?"
"Yea I did and I'm so sorry that I forgot our one year I promise I'll make it up to you."
" Hen oh my god you absolute dork i love you too."

So yea I guess you could say my day ended pretty great.

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