Farkle minkus x reader (girl meets world)

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(This does not go with the story line at all)

Y/n POV:
I'm at school with my friends Lucas, maya, Riley, and Zay. my best friend Farkle, said he would meet us in class since he was running late.
Once we got to class I saw my normal seat was taken, which is unusual since Mr. Matthews doesn't let anyone change seats. I have never seen her before though so technically she isn't switching.
Before I could say anything about her being in my seat Maya notices her and pushes her out of my seat for me.
"Thanks maya." I said laughing a little bit.
"Anything for the one who hopefully makes Farkle divorce me and riles." She replied laughing with me.
After she said that I was deep in thought about what she meant by that, I mean, Farkle doesn't like me back does he?
I guess I got so lost in thought that I didn't notice Farkle finally made it to class.
"Hellooo earth to y/n, you okay?" Farkle asked me concerned.
"Oh, hey Farkle." Is all I replied with, completely ignoring his concern.
"That's it? No, hey farkle my main sparkle? Not even a, hey bestie? Just a, oh hey Farkle.?Are you okay?"he shot back with more concern then before.
"I'm fine Farkle, just tired. That's all." I replied.
"You seemed fine before class though?" Lucas added.
That's when Riley finally spoke " yea, you were laughing with Maya when Zay fell down the stairs.".
I chuckled at the memory of Zay falling down the stairs.
"See you just laughed at the memory of me falling down the stairs, and now you seem fine. You don't seem very tired." Zay cut in.
That's when maya and Riley got an idea. They grabbed my arm and dragged me out of class after telling Corey we were going to the restroom.
"Do you like Farkle?" Riley asked me.
"Dude I thought it was obvious. Did you not see how deep in thought he/she was when I mentioned them being the one to make Farkle divorce us?" Maya shot back laughing a little bit.

"Fine, okay. I'll admit it, I do like Farkle. Is that better? can I go back to class now." I replied wanting to ignore the topic of my crush on My best friend.
"Oh no. Y/n you might not want to turn around." Riley told me looking panicked.
"Geez I didn't know liking me was that bad y/n." I heard from behind me.
Once it hit me who it was I didn't even turn around I just said " oh,um Farkle it's not what you think.".
I tried to run away from the three of them to avoid the conversation, but Lucas and Zay came from the other two directions, basically trapping me to talk about my feelings.
"Y/n why didn't you just tell me you liked me?" Farkle asked me.
"Because. I knew you wouldn't like me back. I knew it would drive you away, I can't stand the idea of losing my best friend because of some crush." I answered.
"Wait, I didn't make it obvious enough?" He asked.
" make what obvious enough?" I asked.
"Y/n I like you, a lot. I have been trying to hint at it." He told me.
I stared at him in disbelief for a second before replying " farkle- I had no idea."
"Y/n will you go out with me?" Farkle asked looking nervous.
"Of course I will Farkle." I answer happily while hugging him.
"Wanna head back to class? Even though I doubt he's teaching the lesson about-" I started before I was cut off by Farkle yelling "-BELGIUM 1831!!"

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