Robin buckley x fem reader

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Y/n-your name
Y/nn- your nickname
⚠️ Author warning ⚠️
This one shot takes place in season four so therefore;
Also: I'm aware that the song used later in the story isn't around in this time. I just really like the song, soo.
Story begin
Hello! I'm y/n Munson! I'm 18 years old, and I'm currently a senior at Hawkins High School in Hawkins Indiana. I have a brother named Eddie, a best friend named Steve Harrington, and a girlfriend named Robin Buckley.
I live a fairly average life, until it gets turned....upside down...

Your POV
I wake up to the sound of Eddie screaming "Y/N WAKE UP! WE HAVE TO GO!" Causing me to rush out of bed and get showered and ready to go.
The fit:

—————————————————Once I was dressed I grab my bag, put on my shoes, and ran like hell out to Eddie's van so we could go to school

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Once I was dressed I grab my bag, put on my shoes, and ran like hell out to Eddie's van so we could go to school.

Eventually we arrive at school and head in to go to class.
Luckily I had all my classes with my girlfriend robin, the only bad thing is no one knows about us. Not even Steve and Eddie. I'm not exactly out to anyone quite yet.. I just don't know how to tell them, I don't want to risk losing them.. they are just too important to me.
After class I go on a walk in the woods behind the school since I have to wait for hellfire to get over so Eddie can take me home with him.
By the time I got to the picnic bench in the woods I decide to sit and hangout for a bit.
I look up from the table at a tree that I etched a little stick man into when I was a freshman, I thought I was hilarious for carving a stick man in a tree made of sticks. When I truly looked up at the tree there was a weird clock inside of it... hm. That's weird.
Not thinking anything of it, I decided to walk away and head back to the school.
I'll just tell Eddie about it later.
I made it back to the school shortly after I left the bench. Ironically enough Eddie and the boys were done with DnD by the time I got back.
"y/n! Over here, let's go!" My brother yells as he and the younger two boys head to the van.
"Are we taking them to their houses?" I ask confused.
"Hm? Oh! I forgot to tell you, the boys couldn't find a ride home and it's too dark to bike home so I offered to take them home. Boys introduce yourselves." Eddie rants.
"Uh- hi. Im mike. I really don't know what else to say." The black haired one says, informing me that his name is mike.
"Hi! Im Dustin, lovely to meet you! Eddie talks about you a lot!" The curly haired one says excited.
"Uhh. Hi? Im y/n. And what do you mean? Eddie, you talk about me?" I speak.
"Well yea. But all I say is that your off limits because your my sister." He trails off.
"Off limits? What?" I laugh, completely forgetting he doesn't know I have a girlfriend.
"Yea! Like as in, they can't date you. It'd be weird." My brother explains.
I laugh at the fact that he thinks I don't know what he meant.
It was a mostly silent ride to Dustin and mikes homes, once I calmed down from my laughing fit.
Once we dropped them off I decided to tell Eddie.
"Eddie I have some.... Things to discuss, with you." I say nervous.
He nods for me to continue.
"Do you want the weird or the good first"
"Hmm. Good!" He picks.
"Ok so good news is you don't have to worry about your friends dating me." I start.
"Why's that kiddo?"
"I have a girlfriend.. her name is robin Buckley. We've been going out since the beginning of the school year." I say with a pause- waiting for his reaction.
"You like women? Your a uh sorry I'm bad with words one sec, thinking... your a lesbian?" He asks.
"I like women, yes. But I'm not a full lesbian, I like men too, making me bisexual." I explain.
"Ohh! That actually makes sense.. I'm glad you felt safe enough to tell me, and i sincerely apologize if I made you feel like you couldn't. I love you kid- never forget that." He says with a smile.
By this point we were home so I went over to him and hugged him, immediately feeling him hugging me back.
"You said there was more you had to tell me? The weird as you called it?" Eddie reminded as we walked in to the trailer and sat on the couch.
"Hm? Oh, yea. Weird thing, I went on a walk in the woods and saw a clock-like- inside of a tree and it creeped me out because I walked away and still heard it ticking" I explain.
"That's odd. I overheard Chrissy cunningham say something like that happened to her but she saw it in the door of a stall in the girls bathroom at school." He said sounding almost concerned.

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