Heart stopper x reader

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A story where you are best friends with your sister Elle , Charlie, Tao, and isaac when Charlie brings in a new person.

Your POV
Hi there! I'm y/n, I'm a bisexual 16 year old year 11 at Higgs girls school. I have a younger sister, named Elle, people forget that we are siblings because We look nothing alike- I'm adopted so it makes sense. I was brought into Elle's family when I moved to the UK with my biological family, long story short; my "family" turned out to be homophobic.

"Hello my precious children!" I say sitting down by Tao and Elle. We are currently hanging out at a park close to the schools.
"Hello! How was school?" Tao asks me and Elle.
"Pretty good, Elle finally decided to sit and hang out with my friends and I." I tell.
"Hey! In my defense, I didn't know if you wanted me to sit with you." My sister defended.
"Of course I wanted you to sit with us you dork! I love you, plus Darcy and Tara loved you too." I reply.
"Anyways, back to a normal conversation." Charlie says making isaac and Tao laugh.
"Your right. How was school for you guys?" Elle asks.
"Pretty good! I met a guy." Charlie says casually with a slight blush at the mention of the guy.
"Oh? May we know about this guy?" I ask.
"His name is nick nelson, he likes rugby, and he has a dog named Nelly." Charlie states sounding absolutely smitten with love.
"Charlie is in love with a straight guy, it's a problem, he's going to get hurt. And what he failed to mention is that nick is mates with the guys who bullied him last term." Tao tells us sounding upset.
"Tao, I'm sure that nick isn't like them If Charlie feels the way he does." I lie while I explain to him.
You see I trust Charlie's instincts but he's been hurt so many times and it gets to him more and more each time. Tao is honestly just trying to protect Charlie, like he does with the rest of us.
"What she said, besides he can take care of himself. You just don't let him try on his own. Tao you have to let him do his own thing sometimes, if he needs us he'll tell us." Elle defends, making me more confident in my statement.

Shortly after Elle and I calm Tao down, a boy comes up behind Charlie with a smile on his face.
Tao and I both immediately tense up upon seeing him walk to Charlie.
The boy covers Charlie's eyes with his hands and says "guess who." Making Charlie smirk and turn around.
"Hey." He giggles before turning back around to us and saying "this is my friend nick, sorry I must have spaced on telling you that he was coming." Charlie explains, calming me down- Tao, on the other hand, is still as tense as he was before.
"Ohh so this is him? Isaac was right, you do look kind of like a golden retriever. In a good way- obviously. Sorry it's just Charlie talks to us about you, you mean a lot to him." I poke fun a little.
"Oh really? Does he now?" Nick looks at Charlie with a slight laugh.
"Y/nnn" Charlie drags my name out a little before continuing "was that necessary? I don't talk about him that muchhh." He whines making nick and I laugh.
"It's all good Charlie, talk about me all you want, I don't mind. I find it adorable." Nick states before turning to me " and y/n, do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar." He asks tilting his head a little.
"You were probably friends with my biological brother before he moved back to the states with the rest of his family." I tell him looking down a little, causing Elle to grab my hand.
"Sounds about right. I'm sorry about what happened, by the way. He told me all about it and how sorry he felt that he had to loose you, he genuinely  did love you and support you." Nick rambles before Charlie stops him.
"SO, uhm y/n isn't your birthday on Friday? What do you want to do for it?" Charlie asks, changing the subject as fast as humanly possible.
That's what I love about Charlie, if he notices that anyone he cares about is sad or uncomfortable in a conversation or situation he tries his best to help.
"Oh um, I was just gonna stay in bed all day. I don't have the fondest memories of my birthday. Sorry Char." I explain.
My birthday was the day I came out last year and well- we know how that turned out.
Not good.
Not good at all.
"NO DAUGHTER OF MINE WILL BE A CONFUSED INDECISIVE SINNER!" I shudder at the memory of every horrid thing that the woman I called mom said to me that day.
"But y/n it's your birthday! You have to at least have a film night." Charlie complains.
"Charlie, I really don't want to do anything. Please? Like the most I could make myself do is let you guys come over and even that's pushing it. I just want to stay in bed and be alone." I ramble in hopes of getting my friends to leave me alone for my birthday.
"In Charlie's defense, being alone on your birthday doesn't sound very celebratory or fun. He just wants you to have a good birthday." Nick tries.
"Of course you would say that. Have you thought about- maybe I don't want to be celebratory and fun? Maybe I want to be sad and lonely." I argue before turning to Elle.
" I'm going to head home. I have homework." I tell my sister before getting up, grabbing my bag and phone, and heading toward home.
"Y/n! Wait! Please- I'm sorry!" I hear Nick say faintly.
My phone lights up with a text.
Char-char: please don't be upset, I'm sorry I forgot that it happened on your birthday last year. I just don't want you to be sad on your own. I love you, your my best friend. <3
I don't respond because by the time i fully read the text im home.
I unlock the door and walk inside, immediately heading downstairs to my room, I have the entire basement to myself- seeing as Elle and our parents live upstairs.
I lay down on my fluffy red rug and just stare at the ceiling with tears streaming down my face. Even if Elle came home she wouldn't see me crying because I have the lights off and my room is dark; the only light being a small dinosaur night light I've had since I was ten.
My phone goes off a dozen times but I don't bother checking it.

About an hour or two later I hear the front door open and close.
Elle is home.
I wipe my tear stained eyes and quickly get into bed and close my eyes as she opens my door.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" She asks before seeing me asleep.
She nods her head a little bit and leaves with a heavy sigh.
She knows I didn't have homework.
She knows I lied.
She knows I'm hurt.
I was never good at lying to her. She's my one weak spot. I don't know what I would do without her.

I wake up the next morning to see my phone plugged in on the nightstand next to my bed. Mum must've come in to check on me and plugged in my phone.
I take a proper look at my phone to see that I have a Ton of notifications.
3 from Tao
2 from Isaac
4 from Charlie
7 from an unknown number

<3Tao<3: are you alright? You always have your homework done before you leave school so you clearly didn't think your excuse through.
<3Tao<3: I'm here for you if you want to talk about it. I love you.

Book-boi: how are you feeling?
Book-boi: you know Charlie was only trying to help. He was worried sick when you left to go home. He loves you. We all do.

Char-char: please tell me your okay?
Char-char: hello?
Char-char: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
Char-char: I love you y/n. Please talk to me.

Unknown number
?: y/n?
?: it's Nick, Charlie gave me your number.
Nick: I'm sorry I didn't know the full story about what had happened.
Nick:please. At least answer Charlie. You can be mad at me all you want, but Charlie has not stopped panicking since you left.
Nick: at least tell someone you made it home safe?
Nick: hello? Y/n?
Nick: you must be asleep. Well either way, I'm sorry. I probably made a horrible first impression.

I decide to text Tao back.

•,•Y/n: I love you too. I'm sorry.

I turn my phone back off and go to my bathroom.
I take a shower and get dressed.
It's Thursday.

I head back to my room and hear a knock on my door.
" come in." I state calmly knowing it's just Elle.
"How are you feeling after last night?"
"I just feel bad that I worried everyone. Including nick apparently."
She tilts her head in confusion so I continue.
"Nick texted me a total of 7 times last night after I fell asleep."
She nods, understanding what was happening.
Elle has always been cautious when it came to talking about them. She doesn't want to risk some how hurting me.
It's almost as if she's afraid I'll break.
Like I'm glass.
Shortly after we're both done with our hair we walk to Elle's room to grab her bag and head to school.

After the extremely uneventful and long school day, Elle and I decided to go straight home. Weirdly enough it was her idea to not do anything.
We arrived at home and headed to my room, when we entered I saw 3 figures just chillin on my floor with the lights off.
"What the hell?" I say as I turn on the lights to see it was Tao, Charlie, and Nick.
"Hey." Is all I hear from nick before Charlie tackles me In a hug.
"I'm so sorry y/n, I didn't mean to make you upset! I love you so much, you had me worried sick." Charlie rambles before I hug him back.
"Char- it's fine. Don't worry about it. And I love you too." I say in hopes that he calms down.
"Charlie, let the girl breathe. Besides I want a hug too." Tao exclaims causing Charlie to let go of me.
"Alright then Tao come get up and get the hug you so desperately want." I tease with a giggle.
Tao grabs me and drags me to the floor where he is. We lay there in a hug for a while before nick speaks.
"Soo y/n I have something for you. Uhm I just don't know how you are going to feel about it." He says slowly.
I look over at Elle to see that she looks just as nervous as nick is.
What's going on?
Elle doesn't get nervous.
"What's happening? Why do you guys look nervous?" I ask out of a mixture of concern, anxiety, and confusion.
After about a minute of silence and no answers I feel a tap on my shoulder.
I turn around thinking it was Isaac coming in late, but it turns out Isaac was with my 'surprise' the entire time.
It's my brother?!
"What the hell?!" I scream.
"Hi." He sits nervously.
I look at nick with tears in my eyes and run to hug him.
"Thank you.." I whisper.
"I take it you like the surprise?" He says not letting me go.
"Of course I do. It was isaac and my brother!" I tell the golden retriever boy while giggling and letting go.
My brother was never to fond of my parents either, so when mother disowned me he was furious with her.
"How'd you get away from she who shall not be named?" I ask my brother with a laugh.
He laughs at my joke before reminding me "I'm 18 now, I moved out and blocked her on everything."
I tackle him in a hug.
I have the best friends ever,
The best siblings ever,
And life is pretty good-
For now.

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