Wally clark x reader

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Hi! My name is y/n l/n, and I'm a senior at split river high school. I technically have three friends- nicole, Simon, and Maddie. I say technically because I have three other friends that I can't really talk about with anyone because, well, they are kinda... dead. To sum it up- I'm a medium, which means I can see and talk to spirits.
Anyway! Enough about me.

Your pov:
The bell just rung and yet I still have to stay here. I volunteer at the school to help organize the library and tidy up things after school.
"See you tomorrow for movie night. Right?" Simon asks me.
"You know it. See ya loves!" I yell to the three best people alive as they head out.
"Y/n/n wait up!" I hear behind me as I head to the library.
My eyes widen and I look at him, putting in my ear bud so none of the faculty think I'm crazy.
"What's up charley?" I ask the ghost.
"Just wanted to come to the library with you so we can talk."
"Awww little char gets bored without mee??" I poke fun.
"Of course I do. Who else is going to gossip with me?" He laughs.
I shake my head with a laugh as we walk into the library.
"So what's new in the land of the living? I've been in my "office" all day." Charley speaks
"Nothing much. All I could do was think about why I can only see you, Wally, and Rhonda. I know there are others here, but why can't I see them?" I ramble while organizing the returns.
"It doesn't make sense to me either. But I stopped asking questions a longgg time ago." He says, sitting on the book cart as I push it.

Eventually an hour goes past and charley gets bored, leaving me in the library alone.
I was putting books away when suddenly everything goes numb and I can't see or feel anything.

"Y/n? Wake up idiot." I hear from someone.
"Rhonda?" I ask confused.
"That's my name, cherry pop. Are you okay? You seem confused." She looks at me.
"Yea- I just don't remember falling asleep here. What time is it?" I rub my eyes.
"I think it's like noon." She tells me.
I spring up on the floor.
"Noon?! I never sleep that long though..." I look around.
"Everything okay in here?" I hear from my favorite spirit.
"Y/n? What are you doing here? It's Saturday isn't it?" Wally asks confused.
"Yea, I must've just fallen asleep or something-" I cut myself off.
"Whyd you cut yourself off?" Rhonda asks.
"It's just- I don't remember falling asleep. Or even laying down for that matter."I speak.
"What do you remember then?" Wally and Rhonda question.
"The last thing I remember is... putting books away and out of nowhere I couldn't feel or see anything. Then I woke up here." I explain.
From the distance we hear footsteps and doors opening.
"She has to still be here Simon. Where else would she be?!" I hear from a familiar voice.
"Maddie?" I ask out loud.
"Fine. We can check the library. But I don't see why she would still be here...it just doesn't make sense. Why would she ditch us for the school library?" Simon speaks sounding hurt.
"Simon! I'm in here!" I yell to him.
Suddenly Nicole comes into my view.
"Hi Nicole!" I speak.
She just looks past me as if she can't see me.
"Nicole? Hello?" I try to touch her arm.
"Ohmygod. She can't see me. She can't hear me. And I can't touch her..." I speak quietly, looking at Wally and Rhonda.
"Am I- no. I can't be!" I panic.
"Maddie?! Hello? Nicole?! Simon?! Can you hear me?!" I wave my hands in front of their faces with tears in my eyes.
I turn to Wally and Rhonda, falling to the floor. "Do something! Please- there has to be something we can do! I can't- I won't leave them!" I yell.
Wally looks at me with sorrow and pity in his eyes. "Y/n I'm sorry." He hugs me, further solidifying the realization that I am, in fact, dead.

About thirty minutes later I hear Maddie yell from the romance section. "Guys! I think I found something!"
"What is it?" Nicole speaks walking towards Maddie with Simon.
Obviously I follow, I'm dead and have no idea what happened to me.
"Is that-"Simon starts.
"Her necklace? She never takes that thing off." Nicole finishes Simons thought.
"My necklace!" I feel around my neck, it's not there.
"What the hell." Maddie and I both say.
I grab the necklace from Maddie, but weirdly enough it's in both of our hands now.
"Uhm? Wally? Why is there two of my necklace now?" I ask him, assuming he knew.
"We can't affect the living world so things technically exist separately when we try to grab them." He tells me as he helps me put the necklace on.
"Guys I'm going to take this with me. If y/n comes back, she's more likely to come to me first. I am her half-sister after all." Maddie speaks, putting my necklace on.
"Maddie..." I say while trying not to cry.
But something weird happened when I said her name- her eyes widened as if she heard me but she ignored it.
"Ok well my family wants me home so I gotta go. Text me with updates. Love you bye."Nicole says, speed walking out of the school.
"I'm going to check the woods- you never know where she could be.." Simon told Maddie as he left with tears in his eyes.
"Simon.. I'm so sorry.." I watch him leave as I crumble to the floor.
"Y/n?" Maddie spoke, causing Wally and i to look up at her.
She's looking directly at me.
What the hell?
"Mads?" I whisper.
"Y/n! Oh my god! You're okay?" She asks.
"Maddie.." I shake my head.
"What?" She looks at me confused.
"I'm not really here... I didn't run away.. I think i got killed. All I know is that im dead.. im so sorry mads." I try to explain.
"But- but I can see you, you're right here." She panics.
"Maddie.." I try.
"No! You have to be messing with me! You'll be home tonight by curfew and everything will be okay!" She speaks, storming out crying.
I turn to Wally, crying into his chest.
Eventually Wally starts playing with my hair to try to calm me down.
" y/n im sorry that this happened to you. But I have something that could help." He finally speaks, before picking me up and putting me on his back. (he's basically giving her a piggy-back ride)
"Where are we going?" I ask, cuddling into him so I don't fall.
" the gym."
"Wally- you know me. You know I'm not a sports nerd like you." I point out.
"First of all we prefer the term jock or athlete. Second of all it's nothing sporty- I promise." He kisses my hand to solidify the promise.
I just accept the fact that he's taking me to the gym, due to the fact of me being incredibly tired and not wanting to try to fight it.
"Wally! There you are, we were looking everywhere for you!" I hear from a voice, causing me to look up from Wally's shoulder.
"Sorry Mr. Martin, there was a situation in the library. Also Rhonda knew where I was soo.." wally informs the teacher man.
"I thought you were going to stay up there with her in my defense." Rhonda spoke.
"Hi Rhonda..." I say, fully getting off of Wally's back and standing on my own.
"Oh, that makes more sense. Hi hon, how're you feeling?" She asks.
"Who's this?" Mr Martin asks.
"I'm- im y/n." I tell him.
"The infamous y/n? But I thought you could only see Charley, Wally, and Rhonda?" He tilts his head in confusion.
"Uh- mr Martin. She's uhm, she's, well..." Wally tries to explain.
"I'm dead. That what Wally is trying to say. He didn't want to hurt me by saying it flat out- but I died so.. my feelings aren't what matters right now." I ramble.
"Oh? May I ask what happened?" The teacher man asked.
"I was putting books away in the library and suddenly I couldn't hear anything, see anything, feel anything- I was essentially numb. And I couldn't move. I woke up around noon to Rhonda trying to get me up." I explain while laying on Wally's arm.
"Oh..." Martin whispered.
"Oh? What's oh? Is that weird?" I panic.
"Y/n I hate to tell you but normally people know how they died and they know who did it if it's a who." Charley explains.
I sit up, panicked and try to leave the gym.
"Y/n come back!" Wally yells after me, making me run faster.

I stop running once I'm a good distance away and I slide down the wall with tears in my eyes.
"For someone who claims to hate sports- you sure run fast." Wally tells me, out of breath from chasing me.
"You should've stayed with your group, thing. Whatever that was" I tell him, not even looking up at him.
"It's called the split river high afterlife support group," he pauses to grab my face gently and make me look at him "and you are 10 times more important to me right now." He finishes.
"Why do you care so much- I mean before today I was just the weirdo that can see dead people..." I rant.
"Y/n, you talked to me like I was normal- nobody has treated me like that, In life and in death. In life I was this super popular football player, and in death I'm the weird golden retriever boy who's too much when it comes to field day. When I'm with you- I feel normal. And I like that." He rants back.
"You will never  be too much for me. Ever." I tell him.
Wally looks at me with complete awe in his eyes and he leans forward, but he stops when he's a few inches from my face.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks for permission.
I put my hands on his face and I lean closer, kissing him.
He eventually pulls away smiling.
"What's the grin for?" I smile.
"You coulda just said yes." He laughs.
"Kissing is more fun of a response than saying yes." I laugh with him.
"Are you two done now?" Rhonda speaks from two doors down.
"Hmm... I don't think we are, sorry Rhonda." I laugh harder as she walks away shaking her head and yelling "gross!" At us.
"Soo-we aren't done here?" Wally asks me with an eyebrow cocked.
"Maybe we are done here, but that's just because our spot has been compromised. Come on, I know a spot." I tell the boy as I take his hand and we run off to our own little spot.

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