Y/n brock x seth borden

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This story is where y/n Brock, also known as Colby Brock's sister, meets and gets close to her brothers friend Seth Borden while on an adventure for Sam and Colby's channel.
Also this doesn't really go along with what happened in the video.
(Y/f/r) is your favorite restaurant

Your POV:
Hi my name is y/n Brock and I'm a medium. In case you didn't know, being a medium basically means I can see and talk to ghosts and spirits.
Because of me being a medium my brother, Colby, asked me to come with him on a trip to a haunted castle with him and his friends for YouTube. I of course said yes because i find haunted places fun to explore.

"Y/n you ready?!??" I hear my brother yell from my living room, where he had been sitting for almost half an hour while I gathered my things and got ready.
Luckily for Colby, I am ready to go now. by the time we got to the car sam, my brothers best friend, was on the phone with his girlfriend, Katrina or kat, luckily when we got completely in the car, he had finished his conversation so we weren't interrupting anything.
"How ya doing y/n? It's been a while." Sam breaks the silence.
"I'm doing pretty good thanks. How about you?" I ask him awkwardly since I'm not a very social person.

———time skip to the castle————

We just pulled up to the castle, meeting up with everyone, as we got out I saw 5 other people. Before we started filming Colby introduced me to the five guys we met up with.
"Guys this is my sister y/n." Says my brother, keeping it fairly short since he is kind of protective over me.
"Hi y/n, I'm josh." One of them introduced. I obviously said hello back as to not be rude.
" hi. I'm Seth." The boy in the flannel tells me.
"Hi. I like your outfit by the way Seth." I laugh seeing as I was wearing the same thing with combat boots.
After a little bit of introductions I learned all the names and found out that only Sam, Colby, josh, Seth, and I are spending the night in the castle, meaning that the other three are leaving eventually.
We get a tour from the groundskeeper guy, and by the time he left I had already heard and seen a few things, so I wrote the words down in my notebook and drew quick sketches of the things I saw.
I'm guessing Colby noticed that I hadn't been talking much and that I was clinging to my notebook.
"Hey y/n, you okay? You haven't spoken much and your holding on to the notebook super tight." Colby sounded concerned.
I showed him the first page of notes  that I have gotten.
'You see me?'
Is all that page says.
"Holy shit y/n/n that's scary as hell. Are you alright?" My brother looks up from the page to look at me.
"Colby, how did they know my name? That's all I want to know." I state calmly causing Colby to go tell the others about what happened and what I heard.
After Colby told them they all looked up at me and Seth came over and asked to see the notebook, for some reason I felt like I could trust him so I gave it to him to look at.
"Is there more than just this page?" He asks me.
I nod and turn to the page of the doodle of the spirit that said all that stuff.
"Holy shit." He tells me before lowering his voice to a whisper so the others don't hear him "did you show this to Colby?"
As soon as he asked I shook my head no and looked at the notebook before turning to the others.
By the time we were both looking at them they had the evp recorder out of the case of equipment and they were waiting for us to get done talking so we could do the evp process and hopefully get answers.
Before they start I see the same lady that had said the words walking towards the evp to answer the questions knowing that she's the one the session is for.
"How did you know my name"
~been with her~
"Who are you"
~y/n know~
"What do you want from her"
~protect her~
We ended the session and the lady walked away quickly.
My eyes widened at what she answered.
"Guys listen to the answers. I heard them as we were recording and I'm confused." I say quickly.
They play the recording.
""How did you know my name""
~been with her~

""Who are you""
~y/n know~
"Well that one doesn't help much. But who is it y/n?" Sam asks me.
"Sam if I could figure that out we wouldn't be in this situation." I tell him.

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