Ricky bowen x reader

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Your pov:
Hi! I'm y/n caswell, but you may know me better as 'EJs sister'.
Don't get me wrong- I love my brother, but it would be a lot easier to love him if I wasn't constantly compared to him. Most of the comparing is from my parents- their favorite one being "y/n why don't you do more than just theatre? EJ does sports AND theatre and he's fine."
Anyways! Enough about who I am...

Current time
"Y/n? Can I talk to you?" Ricky Bowen from my science class asks me as I walk into the cafeteria.
"Sure. What's up Ricky?" I reply as I sit down at a table with my food.
"Is your brother actually dating nini?" He asks me.
Of course he just has to bring up EJ. When has anyone talked to me when it's not about my brother.
"I don't know, Bowen. Why don't you ask one of them yourself?" I sigh, admittedly a little upset and annoyed.
"I..I can't do that." He stresses.
"Then have someone else ask." I suggest.
"That's what I'm trying to do.. please?" He practically begs.
"Fine." I sigh and get up, walking towards my brother and his alleged new girlfriend.
"Hey EJ, I need to ask you something. Privately." I tell my brother causing him to shoo his friends and nini away.
"What's up little sis?" He asks.
"Firstly, I'm literally a year younger than you- stop calling me little. Second, are you dating nini?"
"Yea, I am. Why?" He asks, confused.
"Just been hearing about it all day and wanted to know. Mkay byeeee." I say, walking back to my table.
"What's the Verdict?" Ricky asks me the second I sit down.
"They are, in fact, dating." I tell him.
He immediately looks defeated.
"Hey..is everything okay?" I ask.
"Nini broke up with me for him..." he admits.
Oh sh1t. That's rough.
"Well what do you want to do about it?" I ask, intrigued by his drama.
That's it!
"You can show nini you care by auditioning for the musical using one of her songs." I suggest.

————————time skip————-
Soo Ricky just got turned down by nini and then proceeded to get cast as the Troy to her Gabriella.
I got cast as Kelsey.
" what am I supposed to do? our idea failed." Ricky asks me.
" we could always pretend to date to make her jealous." I suggested jokingly.
"That's a smart idea!" He exclaimed.
"Wait, Ricky. I was joking. I don't know if that'll work." I explain before turning around and noticing that he's gone.
Ohmygod. Am I fake dating Ricky Bowen?!
"Ricky! Come back you weirdo!" I chase after him.
Man he's fast.
——————————time skip————-
I did eventually catch Ricky, but by the time that I did catch up- we were at his house.
"Oh, hey. Sorry, I thought the conversation was over." Ricky laughs awkwardly.
"Yea, well we need to actually talk about this." I tell him.
"Talk about what?" He looks at me confused.
"Ricky. Do you really think that us fake dating is a good idea?" I ask.
"It was your idea, wasn't it?" He tilts his head.
"Yea- but I was joking. I didn't think you'd actually want to try it. It's a crazy idea and the chances of it actually working instead of blowing up in our faces are slim." I explain.
"So what I'm hearing is that even if our plan has an 80% chance of failing.. there's still a 20% chance of it working!" He rants.
"Ricky it's closer to 90% and 10% at most. If it works out the way I think it will, it would be a 99% chance of fail." I explain.
"There's still the one percent though. If I have a chance at getting nini back.. I want to try. And that one percent chance is still a chance nonetheless." He tells me.
"You really want to do this?" I look him in the eye.
"The one percent chance is still worth a shot. You in?" He asks.
"I don't see what I'm gaining from this.. but sure." I tell him.
"You're gaining the opportunity to get out of your brothers shadow and a new best friend." He mutters.
I smile. "Sounds like a plan. So what are the boundaries?" I ask.
"Why would we need boundaries?" He asks.
"To make sure that neither of us cross a line?" I inform him.
"Oh..uhhh. I don't know. What boundaries do you think we should set?" He thinks.
"Well for starters we can keep kissing to the bare minimum, we will only kiss if necessary to keep the appearance up." I suggest.
"That's smart. Ok, so basically no kissing unless it's important to the act. Got it." He writes down in his phone notes app.
"Are you writing the rules and boundaries down?" I laugh lightly.
"Well yea. I don't want to forget them throughout rehearsals." He answers.
I nod. "That's actually really smart." I note.
"Ok so next up, people are probably going to expect us to like hold hands and hug. Is that okay with you?" I bring up.
"I don't mind. Besides if it keeps people from knowing that our relationship is fake and that it's just to make nini jealous and potentially piss off EJ- i don't mind a little physical affection." He speaks calmly.
"Ok, so according to legit every movie and book that has a fake couple- the next step is nicknames. I was thinking something like I'd call you sweetie or hun because they're basic enough to keep us comfortable while also seeming real enough. You can come up with what you want for my nickname." I ramble.
"What about like love muffin or my little cupcake?" He suggests with a smirk, knowing that I'll hate it.
"No. I'd rather perish or admit to our relationship being fake than let you call me either of those." I complain.
"Ok fine. What about... bubs or bub?" He suggests.
"Bubs works." I agree.
He jogs down the physical affection thing and our nicknames in the notes.
"Can I ask you something?" He asks.
"Technically you just did- but, sure! What's up?" I reply.
"Why do you know so much about fake dating?" He asks.
"Oh- I uh. I don't really have a lot of friends so I read a lot of books and I watch a lot of movies, most of which are romance." I explain, slightly embarrassed.
He senses the awkwardness and changes the subject as quick as he can.
"So do we plan dates? And what about a backstory for how we got together?" He rambles.
"Dates we can plan later, back stories are always fun to come up with so let's start with that." I tell him.
"Ok so when did we meet?" He starts.
"Uhmmm...the skate park this summer!" I suggest.
"Do you skate?" He asks.
"Yea- I've found a lot of hobbies whilst in the shadows of my big headed brother. Gotta stay entertained somehow." I explain.
"Cool! Well we've got our meeting point and a rough time point. Now we need to figure out when we started actually dating." He says while writing out the details.
"Today. It's easier to fake a new relationship." I tell him.
He nods and writes down the date that we'd say we started dating.
"Also we have to say we meet while Nini and ej were at camp. Otherwise it wouldn't be believable to them." I speak.
"Ok. I texted you the notes about our relationship. Now dates?" He looks back up at me.
——————————time skip——-——
"Ok, Bowen. We're all set to be a "public couple" tomorrow at school. I should get home so I can get to bed." I get up and stretch.
"Ok. Do you want me to take you home?" He asks genuinely.
"Thank you, but it's not a far walk. I'll see you tomorrow hun." I smile at him as I grab my bag and head out of the house.
On my walk home I thought about what I just got myself into. I'm in a fake relationship with ricky Bowen, I'm Kelsey In high school musical the musical, and Ricky is the Troy to my brothers girlfriends Gabriella.
EJ is going to be furious. I mean ricky took his lead role, and now he's dating his sister. Oh god. This should be fun.

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