Tommys twin sister

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Hi uh trigger warning just in case (tw: slight angst, self harm, depression, and swearing ) love you all and my dms are always open if you need me

Hi I'm y/n, I'm 16, I have a twin brother named tommy and he's practically my best friend; well my only friend.

Thank fuck its The last day of school, I don't know how much longer I could have dealt with the constant, "y/n hey! How's tommy" and the even worse, " if your twin brother is so famous why are you such a loser." Oh and let's not forget my personal favorite " do you think you could like set me up with your brother?".
This school is hell.
—-after school—-
Finally I'm home, no more homework, no more nagging classmates, nothing just relaxation in my-
"Y/N GET UP STREAM WANTS TO SAY HI TO YOU!" I hear Tom tell through the wall that separates my room and his.
I sigh but still get up anyway knowing full well that tommy will never give up.
Before I walk out of my room I put on my hoodie so my brother and his viewers don't see my scars.
" what do you need tommy I was relaxing" i say making him jump since he didn't know I was in the room yet.
" first of all say hi, second why the bloody hell are you wearing a long sleeve it's hot as fuck outside."
He shoots back with a little concern laced In his voice.
" fine, hi chat, and second it's cold in my room that's why Dumbass." I tell him.
"Fine, but do you want to play Minecraft for me and keep stream entertained for like 10 minutes so I can do something dad wants me to do? Please" he asks after sighing briefly.
" are you streaming with other people too?"
"Yea but it's just Phil, Ranboo, and tubbo"
"Fine but only so I can 1) talk to Phil and tubbo and 2) so I can meet ranboo"
"Thank you I'll be back in ten" he tells me handing me the headset
" tubbo, Phil , and ranboo. Correct? there's no one that joined while tommy was giving me the headset?" I make sure
"(Your nickname)! HIII!!" I hear tubbo say excited.
"Hi tubbo" I reply laughing a little
" hello y/n how are you doing?" Philza asks checking on me
"I'm doing good thanks, Phil." I lie since the streams on.
"That's good, oh right y/n this is ranboo" Phil replies
" oh right, Hi ranboo, it's nice to meet you! I'm y/n, Tommy's twin sister." I introduce myself
"Oh hi, I'm ranboo as you know and it's nice to meet you too." He replies awkwardly
"Right anyway what are we doing on Minecraft fellas" I ask so I can keep the stream interesting
"Oh, we were just netherite mining to get tommy some new tools." Ranboo tells me
"Didn't he have netherite already?" I ask
" he did but he lost it during some lore bits and now he needs more." Phil tells me when I hear Tommy come back
" y/nnnnn" tommy says dragging out the last letter of my name
" lemme guess you want me to get you the netherite?" I ask knowing that's what my brother wants
"Will you?" He asks with a pouty face
"Fine just stop with the pout mate you look like a fool" I say laughing
——-time skip——-
I got tommy a shit ton of netherite and then went back to my room after saying bye to tubbo, Phil, and ranboo.
By the time tommy ended stream his entire fan base had found my Twitter and instagram accounts, a few of them even found my TikTok account.
"Shit. TOMMY COME HERE." I yell so he can hear me
"What's up?" He asks
"Your fans found all my socials and I didn't even tell them what it was." I say confused on what to do
" do you want me to say something? Or are you ok with them finding your accounts?" He asks genuinely caring
" I'm okay with it I just don't know what to say to all of the people asking if I'm going to become a streamer." I tell him needing his input
" well do you want to start streaming? It's not like you don't have a pc, we would just need to get a mic and a face cam."  Tommy asks
"I don't know that's why I asked you I don't know much about streaming."
"Ok well how about tomorrow morning we go and get you a microphone and a face cam, then when we get home I can help you get everything else set up." He suggests
"Ok but why tomorrow?" I ask confused
"Y/n have you not seen a clock? It's one in the morning." He tells me laughing
" holy shit really. I gotta get to bed, goodnight loser sleep well, see you in the morning. Now get out." I tell him while getting under my covers on my bed
"Goodnight you weirdo." He laughs as he leaves
——time skippp—— this is after everything's set up and you're doing your first stream——————————-

"Ok and you are live. Do you want me to tweet it out? Or you just want them to find you on their own." Tommy asks me
" I know for a fact you would tweet about it either way so go ahead Tom." I say knowingly
"You know me so well." He laughs

@ tommyinnit
Hey chat my twin sister is live go check it out twitch name)

Holy shit that was fast, Tommy posted the tweet not even a full minute ago and my viewer count went from zero to 1,000 real fast and it just kept getting bigger by the minute and soon a big portion of Tommy's fans were now In my chat.
"Alright y/n do you want me to stay in here with you or do you want me to go to my room now?" He asks giving me a choice in the matter
" you do whatever you want to do Tom, if you wanna stay you can but you can also go to your room if you want." I tell him honestly.
"Ok well I'm going to my room then but do you wanna be in a VC with me? I can get more people to if you want me to."
"Sure I'm down. Oo see if tubbo wants to join the VC. OH AND PHIL." I tell him getting excited.
"Yea yea whatever, I'll ask them." He told me laughing
"Oh and tommy?" I start
"Thank you, I love you broski" I tell him laughing when I call him broski
" you know how much I hate being called broski right?" He answers chuckling

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