Tao x fem reader

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Request by: @urlocalranboostan77
Your POV:
Hi! I'm y/n, a 16 year old, year 10 at Higgs girls school. I have a boyfriend named Tao Xu, and three best friends named Elle, Isaac, and Charlie. Elle goes to Higgs like me but she's a year 11, isaac is our local book worm, and Charlie is basically the baby of the group. We've all been extremely protective over Charlie since he came out as gay.
I've been going out with Tao for about a year, we started off as really close friends first and it escalated into a relationship. Obviously.
Anyways enough with introducing myself! Let's get back into my current life!

Tao and I are currently hanging out at my house watching random films that we don't hate but don't love either. We always watch these types of films so we can talk and still not worry about missing anything important or parts we like.
My phone goes off with Charlie's text tone.
Charlie<3: hey are you busy? I'm extremely bored and Elle and Isaac are both busy.
<3Y/n: I'm just hanging out with Tao at my place. I can see if you can come over if you want?
Charlie<3: please do. Let me know what he says.

"Hey lovey?"
"Yes?" Tao responds.
"Would you mind if Charlie comes over to hang out with us? He's apparently super bored and I do miss him." I ask.
"But (your nickname)" he drags out before continuing "it's our film night! We're always with the others which gives us hardly any alone time." He pouts
"Tao, he has no one else to hang out with. Please?" I give him puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. I guess." He sighs, clearly upset.
"Yayyy! Okie I'll text him and let him know!" I say excitement in my voice as I grab my phone.
<3y/n: hey char! He said it's alright with him! Come on over!!
Charlie<3: ok! I'll see you soon!! <3 :))

As soon as I turn my phone off I look up to see Tao pouting.
"Taooo. I'm sorryyy! It's just, I haven't seen Charlie all week."
"You haven't seen me all week either!" Tao fights back.
"Tao. This is different! You don't understand!"
"Then help me understand y/n! What's so different between not seeing Charlie and not seeing me all week?! I'm your boyfriend! I should be able to see you more often than him." He argues.
"He's my best friend, That's the difference! I'm the closest thing he has to a therapist right now! He has been texting me all week about him feeling bad like rubbish!"
"Fine. If he's soo important. I'll leave so you can hang out with him instead!" Tao states getting up fast and grabbing his things.
"Tao! Please come back! Don't go!" I yell as he walks through my front door to go home.

I sit back down on my bed with tears streaming down my face.
I messed up.
I hurt Tao.
I'm the reason he left.
My brain runs a thousand miles a second- making me cry harder.
At this point I'm sobbing as I hear my door open, while looking up I say
"Ta- oh hey Charlie." I wipe my tear stained face with my jumper sleeve.
"Y/n? What happened? And where's tao?" Charlie questions while sitting down pulling me into a hug.
"We got into an argument and he- he- he uh- he left." I pause "it's all my fault Charlie." I sob into my best friends arm as he just holds me with no context of what happened.
"What was the argument about? If I may ask." Charlie asks causing me to cry more.
He takes the hint that I don't want to talk about it and texts Elle and Isaac.

Charliee: emergency y/n and Tao situation. Will you guys find Tao and talk to him? I can have nick come help me with y/n.
Elle: what happened?
Isaac: yea, can we know about what happened?
Charlie: they got in an argument and Tao left her house. I think it might have been my fault.
Isaac: I'm sure it wasn't your fault Charlie, don't stress it.
Elle: Isaac's right! Don't worry.

Charlie's pov:
I sigh and look down at my best friend to see her fast asleep. I smile and text Nick the situation and he says he's in his way here. Y/n and nick have become close friends since him and I started dating, so he's comfortable coming to help me comfort her.
I have him stop at the convenience store on the way here to grab her Favorite snacks,drinks,and ice cream, as well as pizza.
Comforting y/n is basically having a "bestie" night as she calls it. It's basically a girls night but with her, me, and Nick. Sometimes we invite the others but Nick and I live the closest to her so she feels more comfortable with us here I guess.
By the time Nick arrives I have the mandatory pillow fort set up and ready so I can wake y/n up to her comfort activities which are, watching films, eating food, hugs and cuddles, and playing Minecraft, all while in a fort. she says it makes her feel like a dork, but it cheers her up so we do this often.
Eventually everything is set up, parents have been warned of a sleepover, the pizzas done, nicks hiding in the fort, the snacks are laid out, and the fort has been prepped with the food, pillows and blankets are in the fort, and of course- the movies have been picked and set up. So I wake y/n up.
"Y/n. Hey. Wake up" I gently shake her.
She opens her eyes and rubs the sleep out of them.
"Charlie? What's up?" She whispered half awake.
"I have a surprise for you that might help cheer you up." I tell her.
She sits up and goes to get up to walk out of her room but I stop her.
"I'll go first." I suggest.
"What? Is it gonna hurt me or something?" She laughs.
"No! God y/n, not every surprise is gonna hurt. When have I ever did that to you?" I laugh with her.
She gives me a look that says 'eh, thats fair' and gestures for me to go in front of her.
"Malady" she says jokingly.
"Thank you kind sir" I joke.
We laugh and I lead her to where nick and I had set up the fort.
She sees the fort as well as nick and all we hear from her is "Charles! Nicholas! You guys did this?"

Your pov:
I woke up the next morning wrapped in blankets with two notes next to me.
Charlie's note:
Hey y/n!
My mom texted me around seven am telling me I had to be home at eight. So I left to make it home in time. Have a good sleep, and a good morning as well as a good day!
Text me when you wake up!
Your best friend,
Charlie <3 :)

I laugh at his weird formality before grabbing the other one.

Nicks note:
Good morning!
If your reading this, you've woken up to me being gone. I had to be home at nine so I left maybe like an hour after Charlie left. There are chocolate chip waffles in your refrigerator that I made for when you wake up. Elle texted Charlie and I last night after you had gone to sleep, Tao is okay. He spent the night at Isaac's mad at himself for the argument. He really loves you.
Anyways. Love you weirdo.
Nicholas :))

Nick had been like my sibling at this point so it's not unusual to see him make me food since my parents are literally never home. I'm the main reason Tao stopped being weird about nick.
I text nick and Charlie telling them good morning and thanking them- making sure to thank Nick for the food of course.
I walk to my kitchen and heat up some of nicks waffles before I hear the door open.
"Hello? Mum?" I ask confused as to who is here.
"Hi. I'm sorry." Tao walks into the kitchen with his head down.
"No. Don't speak. I need to do this." He sighs before continuing "I'm sorry for getting angry, You were just trying to be a good friend. it's just- you've been clinging to everyone except me and. And I thought I did something to cause you to be mad or upset with me. I'm so sorry. Y/n I- I L- iloveyou." He rambles.
"Tao- Ohmygod. I love you too!" I yell in happiness that he finally said it.
He did it.
He said it.
He said I love you.
He loves me.
Oh my god.
Tao xu, The boy I've been in love with for three years, said he loves me.
Man I have it pretty good.
Who knew?
Just kidding.
Of course I knew.

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