Chapter Nine

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Jacobs POV
Last night i wanted Y/N to stay. I liked her presence. She can be a pain in the ass by being so bossy or taking my phone, but i liked that about her. Shes got her shit together. She makes me want to drop my phone. When she went to bed with me, i couldnt help but put my arm around her. I wanted her to figure the hint i was liking her, but who knows if she likes me back?

"Jacob.. wake up come on we have to go to my house." I shook him to wake up. Last night he put his arm around me. Maybe he fell asleep really fast and moves when he sleeps. Anyways, school started in thirty minutes and i needed to get home to get my uniform. "Jacob lets go." "Alright im up." He mumbled. "Can you quickly change we gotta go." He looked at me with a tired face, grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom to shower quickly. I grabbed my clothes when he was done and grabbed his hand then rushed him out of the house. Of course hes already on his phone when we're in the uber. I looked out the window. Twenty minutes left. I rushed in the house and grabbed my uniform and went in the bathroom. Jacob stayed in my room. I quickly showered and changed. I started to do a natural makeup look when he barges in. "Can we like hurry it up i wanna stop at Panera to get a bagel." "Sorry." "You look pretty." "Thank you." And then he left. I finished up my hair in a ponytail and ran out the door with him. We went to Panera and we both got bagels and hot chocolates. We then went to school and into english class. "Alright class, remember, this week your projects are due." My phone buzzed. I reach for it and open the alert.

- Allison -
How are you and your boyfriend?

- Y/N -
Friend, but we're fine. Actually i spent the night at his last night. And i think he fell asleep fast because he ended up switching positions and turning to me and putting his arm around me.

- Allison -
He definitely knew what he was doing. He was awake and did it on purpose. He likes you!!

- Y/N -
Do you think? I dont know..

- Allison -
Do you like him?

- Y/N -
Yea i do actually, and we've only known eachother for a week.

- Allison -
Well you should definitely try and check for signs to see if he likes you too! Look i gotta go text you later"

The teacher said that we could work on our project, so i asked if me and Jacob could go to the library, frankly because we needed to print things out so he said yes. "Jacob did you get the photos like i asked?" He started ignoring me. "Earth to Jacob?? Hello??" "No i didnt." I stopped in the hallway. "Jacob i asked you to do one simple thing come on are you serious?" Hes still on his phone. "Jacob look at me." "What?" He says. He fidgets his body around while i just look at him. I shook my head and we kept walking. For the entire walk it was quiet while he was on his phone. I fidgeted with my hands. When we got to the library, i went on one of the computers to type out what i wrote for the poster. I wanted it to look clean and organized. While i was typing, Jacob starting opening his bookbag, reaching in and grabbing something. He pulled out a few printed photo copies, "I was just joking, i just wanted to see you mad." He says and winked. I rolled my eyes and continued typing. Once i finished i got up and went to the printer to grab what i just finished. "Do you wanna skip next period?" Jacob whispers to me. "Why would i skip next period? And why would i skip with.. you?" "Skip with me and i promise i wont go on my phone, so you got a deal or not?" "Alright alright ill skip but only for second period."

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