Chapter Thirty Six

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It was Monday so that means i had to go to school. I got ready and put on my uniform and headed to school. I wasnt in the mood to eat breakfast so i skipped that. On my way, i texted Allison.

- Allison -
So basically he cheated on you and you gave him another chance and he fucked it up too?

- Y/N -
Basically, and now im definitely over it and its never going to happen again.. i just feel so stupid you know? I gave him another shot and he messed up, but i knew how he was and i still let him into my life and do things i regret.

- Allison -
That sucks, he sounded like a dick from the start but i mean i couldnt say anything

- Y/N -
Yea well thanks, anyways im at school ill talk to you later

I went to my locker and grabbed my english book, and headed to class. I noticed Jacob but tried to distract myself with seeing Jules in her seat. I sat down and turned to Jules, "Hey, how are you it been. minute." "Ahh hello! Yea it has been, im good how about you." I shrugged. "Could be better honestly." She gave me a weak smile, "I know.." She acted strange. I threw the thought away though. "We should hangout today, a girls day, if you'd like." She asked me. "That sounds like an amazing idea! I could totally use it." The teacher called for the attention to be brought to the front of the class. We were writing things down when i dropped my eraser. I go to pick it up and Jacobs hand grabs it and hands it to me. I look him up and down and look back at my paper, im not taking it out of his hands, sounds petty but i hated him. He threw it on my desk and i ignored it. Jules slid a paper to me, so i picked it up and read it. "Did you and Jacob break up?" I wrote back on it and slid it back to her. A minute later she slides it back to me and "Thats good to hear." With a smiley face was on it.

After class ended, Jules dragged me out the class and we walked together. Throughout the entire school day, we'd meet up and talk about our personal lives and celebrity crushes. When it was time for lunch, we noticed Jacob sitting at the lunch table so we decided to go sit outside where he wouldnt be. "We should go to the mall today." "Sounds like a plan, but im going to go home first and change out of this uniform." "Yea, ill do that too, we can meet at the doors 3:30?" She questioned. "Ill meet you there then."

Inconsiderate / Jacob ThrombeyWhere stories live. Discover now