Chapter Thirty One

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Jacobs POV
I needed to talk to Y/N. I fucked up, i really did. I needed her to understand me, to hear me out. She blocked me so i couldnt contact her in any way. What was also worse is that Harlan died. He committed suicide. Everything was going downhill. Me and Liv got into a fight. I told her to fuck off and to go fuck herself. I told her everything how she had wrapped me around her finger and fucked up my relationship with Y/N. She wasnt bothered at all, in fact she told me it was a good thing, cause i didnt deserve anyone. That bitch. It had started raining when the uber came to pick me up. By the time the uber dropped me off at her house it was pouring hard. I knocked on her door. She opened it with a smile, and when she saw me dropped it. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that complimented her body. I stood there standing. I didnt know what to say, in all honesty i only planned on stopping by but i didnt plan what i was going to say. "Uhm, sorry about Harlan.." she said looking down. "I saw about it and want to give my condolences." She still hadnt looked up. "I gotta go." She said closing the door.
"Y/N wait." I bursted out. She opened the door and looked at me. "Please, i want to fix things, but to do that i need you to listen to me." I was still standing in the rain. She stood at the door for a few minutes, then quietly said, "Come in but stand at the door." I did as she said and stood at the door while she walked away. She came back with a towel and handed it to me. "Here." She said. I took the towel from her hand and nodded. "What do you have to say." She said, she was holding her phone texting someone. "I want to apologize. Im being serious. In February you left and i did something i know i shouldnt have. I take full blame for it. I made it seem like i was using you, when i really wasnt. When we went on that date, everything i said to you, i meant it. I seriously meant it and i meant it when i told you i love you, because i really do and still do. I cant go back to fix it, but if i could i would. You make me want to be a better person. Ive never felt like more of a person until you came along. You changed me. I cant loose the person who made me feel like a somebody. I cant. I dont want to. I love you too much to let you go. We dont know much of each other, but we have time. Ive always had time for you." She stood there, looking at me speechless.

All of a sudden the door started to rattle. We both quickly dried our tears and her mom walks through the door. "Surprise!!" She yells. "Mom!" Y/N ran to her. I moved and stayed out of the way. "Hello!! Oh look at whos here! Jacob! What a lovely surprise what are you doing here honey? Oh and youre all soaked do you want me to dry your clothes for you? Ill grab something for you to wear in the meantime while i dry them for you if you'd like. Y/N you didnt tell me Jacob was over." "No its fine i was just heading out anyways." I spoke up. Y/N was still quiet. I didnt know how she was feeling, really i couldnt tell, usually i could, but not today. She was staring at the floor blank face. No emotion or anything. She was standing straight holding her hands together. "Well we were just going to go out for dinner tonight, if you'd like and if Y/N would like, you can tag along. Im just going to quickly drop this off in my office change and we'll leave." She walked away. It was just me and Y/N standing together again. "Right.. well im.. im going to go then." I headed for the door. I didnt see this going anywhere. "Would you.." she clears her throat. "Would you like to come to dinner with us." I turned around. "Ar- are you sure i dont wan-" "I insist. Really." "Okay." I closed the door and we waited for her mother to come back. After fifteen minutes she came back. "Right, i see Jacob is tagging along." She smiles. "Lets go."

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