Chapter Twenty Eight

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I wake up at 11:56 am. Jacobs still asleep right next to me, so i quietly get up and slip on shorts and a shirt while i go to the kitchen. I check my phone and see Jules message me.

- Jules -
Hey what are you doing tonight?

- Y/N -
Jacobs family is hosting a party and i was going as Jacobs date why whats up?

- Jules -
Was just wondering.

- Y/N -
Everything between you and Jacob alright? Hes told me youve been mad and ignoring him and i just wanna make sure nothing happened is everything alright?

- Jules -
Ill text you later i gotta go

Hmm. Weird. Anyways i started making eggs and sat down to eat them. After breakfast, i go to my room and get some other comfy clothes for now until the party later. I shower and by the time i get out the shower Jacob is finally awake. "Good morning sleepyhead." I state. "Good morning." He groans getting out of bed. He puts a shirt on and kisses me. "Do you want anything to eat? Eggs maybe?" "Sure yea. I gotta leave soon though my parents want me to dress up in uniform for my family. Odd but whatever the fuck they want." I made eggs for him, he ate and left. I decided i wanted to go look for a new dress. Simple but elegant because i could tell the Thrombeys are a classy bunch. I had been looking around for hours and hadnt found anything. I went to the food court and just ordered something from Chick Fil A. As i was walking, i bumped into some random girl. "Oh sorry i didnt mean to bump into you i wasnt paying attention." She said. "Oh no youre fine seriously its okay." She smiled and walked away. She walked away. Before leaving the mall, i go into one other store, and find a beautiful dark blue dress. I purchase it and go back home. I still had about five hours left, the party started at nine thirty so i called Allison and we talked for the few hours left. She told me that my ex tried to get with her and even tried making a huge winter formal proposal for her in front of the school to make her say yes, but she said no and grabbed the flowers and gave it to her girlfriend. Nobody knew she was lesbian until after she gave the flowers asked her to go with her and then kissed in front of the school. It was even caught on video! Badass move. She told me she had to go, so i let her go, once i checked the time it was seven o clock so i put an alarm for eight and fell asleep. I woke up to a loud knock on my door, i checked the time and it was seven twenty. I got up and opened the door, and found it was Jacob. "Oh hey, what are you doing here?" He walked in and sat down on the couch. "I came to hangout with you." "Okay.. well im going to go get ready alright?"

Jacobs POV
I came to Y/N house because Liv texted me she wanted to hangout so i told her id go but bail in reality. I decided if i go to Y/N house it would distract me from Liv and i missed randomly staying with Y/N so perfect opportunity. She was getting ready so i sat on her couch. I was scrolling through instagram. About an hour later, Y/N walks through the hallway. Shes stunning. Absolutely gorgeous. "Wow." I said as i got up. She was smiling at me. I brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her. We started making out for a little and then we went to my house for the family party.

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