The heir

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°☆•~~Who our children will become purely depends on how we raise them, because in them we continue to live even after we lay dead.~~•☆°

I was greeted by the dancing maidens that proclaimed the goodness of our ancestors as the beating drums were swallowed by the singing; their message although expressed separately from all the various talents was praise to our God and the ancestors.

My lace like cloth was trailing behind me as the small breeze blew towards me and yet the warmth of my people embraced me. I proudly carried myself through the crowd of people present to celebrate my first step into motherhood, a newfound duty to myself and my child. I was lost in the purity of the moment, the encouraging faces and broad smiles made me savour each second; it was perfect, a dream come true. Our two rival tribes had become family and this child was the symbol of their unity and a symbol of Makhosi and I’s love.

“The lion of the jungle comes forth bearing the heir, our symbol of unity.” The traditional leader had begun the ceremony of acceptance. His milky eyes fell onto my frame, pride swelling across them before he continued. “Kneel now before the fire and wear the leopard skin in honour of your child. Accept your newfound title in motherhood and allow the ancestors of both tribes to bless the heir.”

I carefully lowered myself onto the buffalo skin which caused its rough bristles to irritate the soft skin of my knees. The leopard skin was fitted onto my head its upper jaw served as a crown and its front paws draped round my neck before I lifted my eyes toward the traditional healer. His head bowed slightly causing me to respond with a curt nod.

“I burn the heart of an elephant bull, the symbol of brute strength and wisdom, to allow the ancestors to bless the heir.” His strong voice cut through the thick silence whilst his hands lifted the heart, its size was that of two large clay pots joined together before he gently placed it into the fire. The small flames grew, the blue flames turned to a bright yellow resembling the sun’s scorching rays as they devoured the heart. It was then that I felt it. The searing heat began rippling throughout every inch of my body. The unsettling sensation of the ancestor’s icy hands burning against my blistering skin. It was then that my breath was knocked out of my lungs as the soul shredding screams escaped my lips, my body writhing in agony desperate for the ordeal to end. I had underestimated Mazimele when she told me to expect unbearable pain and yet those words did nothing to graze the surface of what I was feeling. This was torment – the punishment of hell on earth.

“I see him, the prince. He is the prince of both the lands, prince born of two royal bloodlines, the symbol of unity for the dead and the living. He is a leopard and like his father he prowls through the depths of the jungle. The prince like his mother has the heart of a lion and a fierce roar that proclaims his power. All the animals of the land scatter, their hooves digging deep into the ground, fearful and desperate to escape him.” The traditional leader proclaimed, his eyes were glassed over and yet through my excruciating pain I could do nothing but focus on his words.

His sudden pause caused the crowd to carefully examine him as the breath in his lungs is lodged in his chest and his rolling eyes that caused his milky brown orbs to disappear into the white that replaced them.

“The great elephant, strong and wise shall fall from its high pedestal and shall kneel. The fierce buffalo, brave and stubborn shall break its horns and shall bow. The proud eland, prestigious and honourable will become one with the ground and shall fall onto their face in worship. The malicious crocodile will lose its malice like the river loses its water in drought and it shall raise itself in tribute. All in the name of the prince.”

The crowd broke into cheers, not only was the prince a symbol of unity but he would also vanquish our enemies, my son. The pain had paralyzed my muscles leaving me to lay against the wire like bristles of the buffalo skin, desperately waiting for the elephant heart to burnout. The drums began to beat again as the sound of ululating women drowned my ears. Angelic voices began to proclaim the prophecy of the prince.

“The prince, offspring of the lion and the leopard.

Our gift from the ancestors, the symbol of unity.

He is the conqueror of all the lands.

King of all kings, the emperor of the southern lands.”

Their proclamations and celebrations caressed my eardrums soothing them from the harsh whispers and the hissing ancestors that constantly reminded me of my position in the hierarchy. The wave’s of pain had been harvested from the ancestors previous lives; from the broken bones and the pain of spears piercing the heart – the death of a child and the pain of loss was all merged into one and then dumped upon me. I couldn’t understand why the ancestors wished me to suffer as if my tragic past was not enough.

“Nohereka? My queen, are you okay?” Makhosi’s deep baritone voice called to me as his warm arms engulfed me, hoisting me up from the ground. I couldn’t find the strength to answer him; I was weak and barely conscious.”Mazimele, is she hurt? Will she be okay?” His voice was frantic, desperation clearly woven into each word he spoke.

I could barely hear the clattering beads which always indicated Mazimele’s arrival. My chest was becoming heavy; it was as if someone was purposely pushing down on it. “My queen,” Mazimele’s strained voice greeted. “Please drink this,” Her voice was lulling me to sleep as the cold cup rested against my dry lips before the cool liquid to flow down my parched throat.

“We thank you great ancestors for blessing the heir, now we kindly ask for you to return to where you belong which is the spirit realm and not in the land of the living nor the body of the queen.” Her words were clipped but still powdered in respect which resulted in the heaviness lifting from my exhausted body before darkness overtook me.


Hey guys❤

I'm really sorry about not updating... like I'm so sorry like extremely sorry. I was supposed to have finished this book by now but unfortunately I haven't. My dad passed away earlier this month and everything is kinda haywire so I'll be trying my best to stay on track but I'm way behind. Hopefully you can forgive me.

❤much love



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