Bound by blood

190 49 11

°•☆Ubuntu, humunhu, I am because we are.☆•°

The sun’s rays had painted the land various shades of purple, red and orange it resembled something aesthetic, beautifully pleasing to the eye. The three tribes had all gathered round the flaming fire for the ceremony as they chattered excitedly amongst themselves, it was time to unite the tribes.

“Unity of tribes is either bound by marriage or bound by blood.” The traditional leader began, his voice silencing the crowd. “Tribes are bound by the blood of those we love the most,” he continued as his eyes combed through the large crowd. ”I know call upon the kings of each tribe to step forward.”

Makhosi’s large frame rose from beside me, his crown perched on top of his head as he headed towards the traditional leader who was clothed in animal skins, before he stood beside king Chatunga. “We call upon the ancestors to witness the unity of the Karanga tribe and the Ndebele-Shona tribe. I wield this dagger, a symbol of strength and war, but also healing and now it would be the symbol of unity.” He proclaimed, his milky eyes were cast upward to the guava coloured sky, its pink hues painted across the cloudy sky.

“By blood we are bound.” We all chorused, it were as if we were one, united against all our enemies.

Although many, we became one. The leader firmly pressed the dagger against Makhosi’s palm before he gently slid it across his hand; small drops of blood began dripping into the clay bowl before King Chatunga’s hand squeezed out his blood into the bowl.

My heart was now beating out of my chest as we approached the final part of the ceremony. “Now we shall call upon those most loved by the king’s, this vow can only work if sworn on by the lives of those they love the most. Arise now and join us.”

Makhosi’s eyes fell on me, gently holding my gaze whilst drawing me in.” Nohereka, the daughter of king Mututwa and Mama Mukuruvedza, the lioness descended from the heart of the jungle, queen of the kings’ heart and the breath in his lungs, arise. The crowds eyes fell upon me, my fingers were trembling as fear crawled beneath my skin. “Keep your chin held up high.” Makhosi’s words echoed throughout my mind, I was a queen and this was my land with my people. My mother was no longer my nightmare, not anymore. My feet rose from the wooden chairs as I proudly strutted towards the burning fire.

“Kanyaita, the only seed and son of King Chatunga and Mama Runako, the monkey that swings in the trees, the apple of the king’s eye and the blood in his veins, arise.” Runako rose with her sleeping child in her arms before she made her way over to the fire, standing besides king Chatunga.

Makhosi’s hand gently held mine before he pressed the blade against the skin of my palm before slicing through it causing the beads of crimson red liquid to race down my palm falling into the bowl. Kanyaita screeches’ of pain pierced the silent night as his father gently slit his palm, before Runako’s coos turned his screeches’ into quiet sobs.

“From the earth we came and shall return; may your blood be replaced with the burning fire, flames to devour the land and homes of our enemies. Fire to regenerate growth and the birth of a new era, a time where we shall prosper.” He proclaimed once again as he poured the blood into the crackling fire causing it to sizzle as the fire devoured it, leaving nothing but itself.

“It is done, may our God be with you and may the ancestors; guide you, protect you and keep you.” The crowd broke into applause, whilst and ululation erupted from the sea of people who were now bound together.

The drums began to play resulting in the maidens of all tribes to lead the crowd in a dance, it was a chance for them to attract a husband whilst a form of entertainment. The rhythmic clapping coincided with the beat of the pounding drums before they began to sing.

The maidens all fell in sync, the steps and their voices seemed to come from one person as they began to circle round the fire, their copper and brass bracelets clattering against each other with each leap they took. Warmth and contempt flowed through my veins as I took in the scene before me, out people united and not burdened by the anger and hatred from our past. We were all one now. This was my dream and I was living it, no wars and deaths just joy and unity.

The low hums of the warriors resonated round the crowd, excitement and joy filled the atmosphere almost suffocating me, it seemed almost too much and too good to be true. Makhosi warm hand gently tugged me, my eyes met his soft gaze that was brimming with joy and pride before he spoke, “We need to tend to your wound, my queen.” I nodded before following him as he carefully lead me through the maze of people.

Mazimele’s hunched frame came into view along with Runako’s and King Chatunga, they’re chatter was drowned by the celebrations of the large crowd.
“My king and my queen,” Runako acknowledged before slightly bowing along with King Chatunga.

“King Chatunga and Mama Runako,” Makhosi’s deep baritone voice acknowledged before they disappeared into the sea of people.

Mazimele’s wrinkly hand grasped mine before she gently pressed the cool aloe leaf against my palm, I sucked in a breath of air as the stinging sensation burned through me but this pain was all part of the healing process. Her stormy grey eyes scanned my face; it was as if she was seeing something through my brown orbs, reading the pages of my story before I could even write them.

“You are brave and powerful, men shall tremble before you and quiver at the sound of you voice, you shall be called-“she stopped herself, concealing the most crucial part of my future which scared me, would I become a tyrant?

“You will be our saviour, the gift from the ancestors.”

I was confused, my mind began racing as her words pierced through me. Makhosi’s gaze met mine and he too had no idea what she meant, he seemed just as vexed. Her hand moved from mine as a knowing smile crossed her lips before her eyes bored into mine.

“You’ll see.”

I  am so sorry muffins I have really been trying to finish the book, hopefully i can do that before end of September.

Hope everyone is alright and good, I'll be updating more frequently though.
🤗🤗😭we are almost on 2k guys just 200 reads to go. Thank you so much

Love maniac

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