Tears of the broken

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●•°☆~There are plenty of ways to die, but only love can kill you and keep you alive to feel it.~Leo Christopher~☆°•●

The twigs crackled beneath my feet as I headead home, the suns rays filtered through the trees causing the birds to sing. The warm air carressed my skin lovingly as the huts came into my veiw, I was finally home but I couldn't ignore the sound of shouting voices. 'What was going on?' My mind questioned me as the voice became louder with each passing step.

"You said you loved me, Vikali." It was Azile, her voice was not soft but hoarse with anguish. She was upset, anger began to course through me, no one makes my friends upset, no one. My pace quickened bringing Azile's petite frame into vision and the large frame of a man who's head hung low as he focused on her.

"My love please understand, I tried to..." His ternor voiced broke off as his fingers pick at his nappy curls.

"Do not call me that! You are married, Vikali. You are having a child, do not degrade me by professing your love to me whilst your wife carries your child. I will not be a second choice, Vikali, I won't!" She cried her words causing tears to rise into her eyes, I had never seen Azile in that state. Her beautiful features that were friendly and warm were now etched in pain.

"Azile my heart beats only for you and you should know that. If I could've done things differently I would, but please understand that-" his explanation what cut short with Azile's scoffing.

"Understand what, Vikali? What's there to understand?" She shouted as she threw her arms into the air.

"You're the one that I've always wanted, Azile." He confessed whilst stretching his arm towards her, in attempt to hold her and yet she recoiled, her feet back peddled away from him as if he were infected patient with a contagious disease.

"I love you and I hate it." Her sharp words cut clean through him causing his head to hang lower in shame as she entered the hut. I had to be there for her, she was always there for me and I needed to return the favour, she was my friend.

I approached the hut, Vikali bowed in acknowledgement as I nodded my head in response. My only goal was to make sure Azile was going to be okay. The hut was dim but my eyes could trace Aziles sobbing form.

"Azile?" I called for her, her hands instinctively bega wiping away her tears as she composed herself.

"My queen, how was the training?" She asked, forcing a smile onto her quivering lips. She didn't want me to see her like this and I could understand why, but I couldn't look past the sadness that blinded her eyes.

A deep sigh escaped me as my hands held hers in mine."Azile, I saw everything, you dont have to hide your pain. Talk to me." I pleaded with her, my voice was gentle as I tried to break through her stone walls. Her eyes met mine, they were brimming with tears and in that moment I knew she didn't want to talk, all she wanted was someone to hold onto. My arms instinctively wrapped around her as she bawled into my chest, her sobs racking through her body as she shook in my grasp.

"You'll be fine. It will be fine." I cooed as I cradled her in my arms. I wasn't good with situations like this, but I guess being queen requires empathy and the ability to care for my people. However, I didnt do this because it was my duty, I did this because Azile was my friend.

Her sobs became quiet hiccups, she was now composed. Her cheeks were stained with dry tears and her eyes were bloodshot and swollen. "Azile, what happened?" I asked her curiously, I wanted to know what caused the happiest person I know to become so distraught.

"My queen, I must not bother your ears with the tragic tales of a maiden." She mumbled quietly her voice still hoarse from her crying.

"At this moment Azile, I am not your queen but I'm your friend." I told her, whilst staring deeply into her chocolate brown eyes that were swarming with uncertainty.

"Well, the man outside was my previous lover." She began causing my eyes to widen in suprise, Azile had a lover and I wasn't aware, what kind of a friend was I? I mentally scolded myself.

"Vikali and I came from different social classes, my queen. His family would've never expected him to marry someone like me." Her frown deepened, as she explained. "My sister and I became orphans after both our parents died, my mother died in childbirth and our father weeks later died during battle. We were shunned by the tribe, they said that the spirit of death followed us. Our family rejected us, leaving us to fend for ourselves." Her eyes narrowed as she'd spoken those words. I could imagine two small children being shunned for the death of their parents and the thought sickened me.

"Vikali and I met in the forrest, he was one of the few people that were friendly and kind. We grew inseparable throughout the years, I hadn't realised how much our innocent friendship had grown into a budding romance, but I thought he would've never love someone like me. The day before we were sent for training, where he would become a warrior and I would become a maiden, he confessed his feelings for me. It was the happiest day of my life." A sad smile crossed her lips as her eyes combed through the thatch ceiling longingly as if she was reliving that joyous moment.

"I should've known that it was too good to be true. Upon my arrival from training, my sister broke the news to me, he was already betrothed to Asukumi. She was both beautiful and kind, it was nearly impossible to hate her but knowing that she could've had anyone she desire and yet she chose him caused me to hate her with everything in me." She continued, I couldnt stop the anger bubbling inside my chest, how dare he claim to love someone and then marry another.

I rose from the cool slab, my mind was raging, I wouldn't let him get away with that. He was manipulative, men like him did not deserve the privilege of a woman like Azile.

Her small hand gripped mine, her eyes flickering towards mine as the words escaped her causing my anger to grow. "My queen, please don't"

"And why not?" I questioned harshly, my voice coming out as a low growl.

"Because he was the one who saved you, my queen." Her voice was soft, the words causing my breath to become hitched in my throat and the anger to drain from me.

"He is your guard and where you go,he goes." She paused before letting out an aggravated sigh. "Just as I am tied to you, so is he and now seeing him everday will be a constant reminder of heartbreak."
Hello muffins, its been 3 updates in one sitting. Hope you enjoy the chapters. Hope you staying safe and warm.

With love


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