By hand by mouth

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•○•°☆- A family tie is like a tree it can bend but it cannot break -☆•°○•°

I couldn’t contain my anger; it was raging deep within the blood in my veins. ‘How could he? That was the only thing I could ask myself, this question was plaguing my mind as I marched towards the council meeting to find him.

I was fuming; the rage caused my fatigue to vanish out of existence, my bulging stomach’s weight felt like a feather. My anger was seizing control and this time I would be powerless to stop it. I was now a few steps from the wooden door, battling against my better self and yet I knew this battle was already lost. I could do nothing but brace myself for the confrontation, my rage held the reigns of my body and I just had to enjoy the show.

I burst through the door, causing everyone’s eyes to fall on me as I marched towards his seated frame. The hushed whispers of the elders began to fill my ears which fuelled my insatiable rage. I was beginning to fear for these council men, all it would take was one mistake and I would lose control.

“Get out.” It was calm complementing the state of my trembling body completely.

“But, you are interrupt – “A council member had begun to speak causing me to finally explode.


“Nohereka, please – “ Makhosi had begun speaking before I sent him glare that immediately shut him up.

“ALL OF YOU GET OUT!” I screamed which caused the group of men to quickly begin exiting the hut leaving me alone with him.

“How could you?” My voice was low, it sounded more like a guttural growl, unnatural and probably inhuman.

“What are you on about?” He questioned me, genuine confusion was etched into his feature, his face was scrunched up and his eyebrows knitted with worry.

“Zithaka’s threats towards this tribe, you’re hiding vital information and here you are playing dumb. Makhosi how long has this been going on for?”

His eyes began tracing the cheetah skin that lay at his feet, “This started after the ceremony.” He answered.

“That was five months ago! You cannot be serious Makhosi, and I know you haven’t made this known to the council. This doesn’t just affect you and me; this affects everyone including our son. Why were you not telling me?” I was concerned genuinely concerned and I was frustrated by the whole situation.

“Because it’s not that big of an issue.” He responded.”Zithaka is a threat, yes I agree but I have protected my people against enemies far worse than him. I know what I’m doing.”

“You sound so ignorant. Have you any idea whose life you’re risking?” I questioned him, my eyes examining every inch of him.

“I will protect my people!”

“It’s not about protecting people; it’s about playing it smart and learning to play it safe. You are a king, Makhosi act like it!”

His mud brown eyes met mine, “What did the messenger hear from him?” He asked me, his voice was low almost sounded like an inaudible growl from the monster that lay deeply cocooned within his soul.

“That you call yourself a king and that you sit upon a throne that was never yours. You have begun to build a family on the foundation of my suffering, expecting an heir to a throne that you stole, painted by the blood of people you killed and yet you still remain in my shadow, the man you are is founded on me. I taught you to count your blessings, but now I shall teach you to treasure them beginning with your ‘family’.” I recited the words Yariiwa had spoken to me; I couldn’t ignore the tingling sensation that was flooding my body.

It was then that all the bounds the held down the weight of hell broke loose and nothing in this world could’ve ever prepared me for that moment, Zithaka’s words were constantly replaying in my mind like a sparrow sings its song repetitively. “I taught you to count your blessings, but now I shall teach you to treasure them beginning with your ‘family’.”

My breaths began to deepen; the metallic smell of blood was strangling my nostrils whilst the taste was burning my taste buds. I couldn’t stop the absolute horror that tore through me as my eyes fell onto the slab, blood was pooling between the middle of my legs, its crimson colour staining my cloth wrapper that was carefully wrapped beneath my waist. 

The heart shredding scream that was desperate to escape my lips was drowned by the mouthful of blood; it became nothing more than a gurgle. My vision was blurred with stinging tears that were welling up in my eyes; my feet were now immobile, failing to support the weight of my own body causing me to crumble to the floor. Sharp cramps began to pierce through my protruding stomach accompanied by the rapid dilation of my cervix...the baby was coming.


Hey guys😊

I am so sorry for taking so long it's just I moved countries and I'm in university now but I'll try my best to continue updating this draft had been sitting since July so I decided to just upload.

Hope you guys are doing good❤🤗stay safe and take care

Love maniac_lunatic

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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