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1 month later

Elli's Pov
Since Jared was 18, he was old enough to get his own apartment. So Jared and I decide to move in with each other. I asked my mom and she was completely fine with it as long as we had our own rooms. We got an apartment around Emilie and Jen's apartment. Lana's and Ginny's was on the other side.(I'll explain the apartment stuff later) for the past 3 weeks we tried to fix up everything. It was mostly our bed rooms and living area. Jared was so sweet. He let me have the biggest bedroom. I decorated it really nicely.

A month and a 1/2 later

Jared's Pov
Finally our apartment. It was really nice. But after everything was done, we finally got to relax. It's was so hectic. With all the shooting then afterwards when there wasn't any shooting we were getting everything done. But finally resting time. All of the cast came to check it out. They really liked it. Everyone hung out for about an hour since they knew we were tired. After everyone left we said goodnight and went to sleep.

Elli's Pov
So I woke late today. I looked at the time.


Oh crap. I said. Then I got a message fom Jen

Hey guys Adam and eddy told me that there is no shooting for a week because they're doing more research and things like that.

Ok thanks Jen.

No problem.

I walked out of the room then into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

Then I walked downstairs. Jared was making breakfast.

Yum!! Whatcha making there??

It's an ham and cheese breakfast that you put in bread with bacon.

Wow looks good Jared.


I walked over to him and gave him a kiss.

I then walked over to the couch turned on the TV and watched reruns of OUAT.

It was so cute because it was from when Jared was 11.

After 10 minutes or so we ate breakfast. After that we just watched TV and went up to Jared's room to play video games.

I could already tell this was gonna be fun...

Hey guys. It's another mini chapter. Yup. But anyways about the apartment thing... everyone lives in the same apartment thingy place(I don't know what to call it...). Like for example... They all live in oak berry apartments(just a random name) but Lana lives in apartment A78 and Emilie lives in apartment C16. Jen lives in E45 and Jared and Elli live in D54. And Ginny, josh and Oliver lives in apartment A04. Is this making any sense to you?? If so then good. If not then I'm sorry I'm not good at this...:/. But yeah that's it for now. This book is ending very soon tho😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭but there will be a sequel and a prequel soon!! Check out MaddieStyles2124 and NotAnotherStory thanks-elli<3

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